British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. :Bucktooth:
  2. :Bucktooth:
  3. :Writing: good to see some sense has finally arrived on this thread

    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. not atoll. no sense being talked here. none that i recognize anyhoo.
  5. Dam, didn't last long :Facepalm:

  6. :Bucktooth: :punch: :Bucktooth: :Wacky: :Bucktooth: :Chicken: :Bucktooth: :Finger: :Bucktooth: :Hungry: :Bucktooth: :Kiss: :Happy: :Hilarious:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. you never have.
    again just out of interest, what little part of the EU didn't you like that was worth giving it all up? other than obama btw.
    was it the 1% control of taxation? and the way they redistribute?
    have one of the directives impacted on your life?
    have they made it harder for you to buy cheep tat from outwith the uk as i recon analyzing the posts over the last three years v.few buy local or British as a principle.
    not enough room in your wee region where you live? or are you at that age where your pension is more important to you? has the EU screwed that for you to?. or like loz you did it out of the goodness of your hart for your northern cousins Country knowing fine well one way or another this will lead to more power for ScotGOV to change Scotland and poss N.IRE for the better?
  8. The EU have nothing to do with where the stuff you buy comes from. It's all down to national policy. Currently on holiday in Italy and they make a big thing here about promoting the buying of goods made in Italy. When do you ever see that in the UK nowadays? We are just a nation controlled by the elite and big business whose only interest is making themselves ever more wealthy at the expense of the rest. Leaving the EU has actually made that even worse unless we are prepared to dramatically change our democracy.
  9. think some of the brexiters have been watching to much of this? :Hilarious:
  10. I agree with that except that the EU does have everything to do with the stuff we can't buy. And leaving won't make it worse because the EU is controlled by elites and big business. It has been purposely constructed to prevent the electorate imposing its will on the senate of non-elected technocrats who hold power and are sponsored by corporate business. Leaving won't automatically make that either worse or better but it will restore to us the power to change it. The question is whether sufficient of the electorate understand that and are prepared to exercise it.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Very well put. We live in a democratic country and that's the result. It's already produced one hell of a political shake up and that's probably a good thing.

    How interesting that far more people voted in the referendum than in elections. Given that most people never ever gave a thought or a toss about the EU before.

    I love the fact that the people have spoken. I was against pulling out but this is where we are now, let's get on with it. In the long run I think we'll come out of it well. We need to get through any uncertainty ASAP.

    As for people wringing their hands about something that has already happened, what a bunch of tossers. Get off our screens.

    Talking about screens, I think TV programming is the same. Shite served up on a massive scale and the public never get a chance to vote on it. Except of course when we use the off button, which has become more and more frequent.

    It's the same thing. People who have lost touch with their public serving up rubbish.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. You will only change it by changing the political system. That means no more Party politics and somehow the reducing the national debt to zero. As I said you would need a revolution of the kind never seen before in this country. Start by making inheritance tax 100% on estates valued over £1 million. That way there is no inherited privilege. Then introduce a corporation tax rate that is compulsory on profits earned in the UK with no fictious charges allowed to move that profit abroad. Then do away with the House of Lords and probably the Royal family too. Finally make the use of offshore companies illegal.
  13. If you think that then why didn't all the Scottish vote to leave - it is a mystery for sure :)
    Politics Finm, don't get involved, I've dipped my toe in and I know, not for you - deffo You don't even know how to vote to reach your end goal :D
    • Like Like x 1
  14. having an aging immigrant problem of our own about 10% i believe it is at the mo. it might be better to ask them bit to early to craw btw exe.. now answer the fooking question.:smileys:
    you obviously dont understand how negotiations work sam but this tosser does. you can say we on the remain side are ok ream me any which way you can with your brexit or you can continue to express your opinion,campaign, march, whatever it takes to make sure the government of the day gets the message. ultimately between elections thats how governments gauge public opinion.especially with no real uk opposition party in the foreseeable. and they like to say its a one party state up here. :Hilarious: suckers.:smileys:
    tossers roll over and reap the rewards while letting others do the the graft for them. imho. btw. :upyeah:
  15. In Polatics Finm, you never answer questions, Polatics, not for you see... :D

  16. Just realised you didn't answer my question :Facepalm: v.good, your getting there :smileys:
  17. o
    ok what election are you talking about?
    2007 holyrood?
    2010 westminster?
    2011 holyrood?
    indi 1?
    2015 westminster?
    2016 holyrood?
    2016 brexit?
    indi 2?
    which one?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  18. And issue all citizens a horse and cart and a little red book?
  19. You won't change anything whilst Labour or the Tories are in power. They are the problem.

    My wife works with kids who have learning difficulties and they have terrible problems getting funding for them to help them but today we have the Tories coming up with the genius idea of reintroducing Grammar schools. Where is that funding coming from?
  20. Just flicked past BBC Parliament channel,and they are STILL picking over the bones of the referendum
    A typical blonde media-friendly face,(pollster),was blabbering on about the results of HER opinion polls and how SHE,(in her metropolitan know-it-all looks down her nose at everyone who doesn't agree with her),states as follows:
    That the Remain side used Project Fear and the voters didn't go for it,so she surmises that fear might not have been a good tactic.
    She then says that voters implied that the Remain side did not put forward a positive argument for staying in,but the Leave side did put forward a good vision if we left.
    Followed by,"well then fear does work as a tactic because leave voters were obviously scared of where the country was going,of immigration,scared of change,scared of everything she could think of!
    DUH ???HOW BIG A CHANGE DO YOU WANT YA MUPPET!!..they can't possibly have voted to leave because they see a better future outside,can they? Oh no,it must be because they were SCARED of stuff...even though that was the answer to a question that she didn't even ask!
    They just don't get it...still.
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