So I took my back wheel off to have a new tyre fitted, when I went to put it back on the wheel jammed up solid after tightening up the nuts only slightly. I took it off again and looked at it..question is does it have a spacer/washer that goes between calliper hanger and the wheel bearing(on the right side)? ..mine doesn't have one and I don't remember anything falling out from that side..the left (sprocket side ) spacer fell out but that is back in. Something is very wrong and I can't find a parts diagram to see what's lost.
Yes I have the approx 2" domed spacer on the sprocket side but nothing on the brake side. I found that diagram already but it doesn't show anything on that side.
Which way round do you have the conical spacer on the sprocket side? usual mistake is to put the larger face to the inside
well yes that's what I did, it fits perfect in the wheel that way...and then jams up the bearing..what a c*ck..that must be it..thanks for pointing that out.
Trouble is I've distorted it when I tightened it up so I need a new one. I think my torque wrench is fubar as it didn't let go.
Got the new conical spacer and fitted it the correct way around..large flat surface against inside of swingarm and it's all good...took it out for a blast this afternoon with the new tyre...what a bike. I was out on my Firestorm this morning..supposed to be going on a trip to the Dales with the local IAM's group (Scottish Borders) but missed them.. too late! Anyway on paper the two bikes are very similar (both 1000cc V twin sports bikes)but when ridden on the same day they are worlds apart. The Honda is so smooth but still has masses of low down grunt, it's more comfortable and generally easier/more relaxing to ride. The 1000SS is so raw in comparison, the engine is a sod at low speed but when it gets going it's so engaging and very rewarding when things are flowing well. Both brilliant bikes but if I had to choose one it would be the Ducati by a tiny amount.
glad you got it sorted that conical spacer has caught out loads of people doubt this will be the last thread about it