Which room?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Major, Nov 4, 2012.

  1. A common problem in the winter for many a Ducati owner. Which room in the house do I put the Ducati, the lounge, dining room, bedroom, sitting room, drawing room, butlers quarters?

    Where do you put yours, surely not under a cover shoved in a corner of the garage? :frown:
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  2. Currently, the 600 sits in a corner in a wooden shed/ garage. The 750, lives in a garage attached to the house under a cover with a radiator and fortnightly turning of the belts. She's proper cared for!
  3. If I could get it into the house, it would be in the living room thank you very much. I cant so its under its cover in the garage :biggrin:
  4. My house is a three storey, upside down house. It'd be a bugger getting it up the stairs to the living room :biggrin:

    So it's in the garage under a cover. :smile:
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  5. [​IMG]
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  6. I would put the Multi in the living room, but by christ it's ugly...
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  7. Come on Fig....it could be worse.

    Think...waking up the morning after the night before in bed with the Multi you just pulled!
  8. Lol

    If could get access into my house (a few steps) to negotiate then my front room it would be.
    Could always move my bedroom downstairs 

    Morning Anth
  9. Where do you keep yours 
  10. To the left!

    Oh the bike...

    In the garage, that's what it's for init....:upyeah:
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  11. The west wing of of the 'hyse' has been set aside for the bikes. Occasionally Mrs Nothingbettertodo lets me out from the shed to look at them during the winter months:biggrin:
  12. I guess
  13. with partner = think yourself lucky you got it in the house at all never mind which one
    single = all rooms physically possible
  14. I still ride mine... it's only early November :)
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  15. my Evo is currently in a wooden shed on the back of the house :( live in a flat on 1st floor , if this was a ground floor would be sleeping with me in a bedroom :(
    poor bike. but i'm visiting regularly :)
  16. Mine's covered over, in the garage with it's own little heater on a plug-in-timer.
    #17 Parabolica, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
  17. Back in the day I used to keep my 748 in my downstairs hallway over winter...I used to sit on it whilst on the phone..:biggrin:
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  18. Mine is indoors for the winter,unfortunately in the hall, but it is warm and cosy . It would be the sitting room if I was allowed.:rolleyes: But I have a few "lesser" machines to ride throught the winter. Note the can of Pledge on the windowsill, its the only housework I do......................polishing the Ducati :biggrin:


    #19 eyore, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
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  19. Mine went out yesterday and will go out today too? :tongue:

    Is currently in the garage under two army blankets and a cover, will have a look to see if I can get it through the garage back door, then through the patio into the dining room when it gets Proper Cold tho? :upyeah:
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