Father, ah, you didn't see that confession did you - I get confused between here and the secret place :Bag:
typical Westminster strategy. keep giving us things to whinge about. and mayb, just maybe we will start to wonder if it really is just grievance politics.hmm maybe we should calm it a bit. because sourly it canny be?. then you remember thats what they want you to think. tory's and blairits. nasty feckers nasty. but you got to admit, there good at it. they have been fooling their own and diverting blame for long enough. :Finger::smileys:
I have a good idea, why don't the powers that be, put painted boxes, nearest the traffic lights on some of the most congested rds in london so the slowest moving vehicles on the road ( lycra powered 2 wheeled abominations) can line up 10 abreast and keep the rest of the traffic at bay till the next set of lights, where upon they can do a repeat performance.... Just for shits and giggles
i dont need to. i have a nice wee signature out there in the open. just for those special people i know. know what i mean? :smileys:. deffo chiz btw.
I've been to many other city's that are as populated ( or proportionally so) and they don't have this bollocks