Darcy Bussell?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. only if they cant get anyone better. why settle for someone you dont truly love or find attractive (looks and personality, not simply looks)...lifes too short to 'make do'. Go out there, be fussy and get the person you want..if you arent fussy, dont discriminate, you'll end up lonely and unhappy just for the sake of being needy.
  2. Maybe us girls see if differently sometimes .
    Men who I have considered Alpha just seem to constantly be out to prove them selfs usually to other men of a similar elk and then it all ends I tears and they come home and you have to 1. Bolster them up or 2. Bandage them up :)

    I think the best man is a man who is very comfy in his own skin with nothing to prove :) .
    But has to have wicked humour :)

    If you stood me in a room with a 1000 men and let me watch and listen to them I'd probably find just one I like.. And he'd not be the one most girls would go for :) that's probably a bad thing :)
  3. Homer Simpson says that the secret of happiness is low expectation.
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  4. Darcy Bussell comes across as 'nice' in every sense of the word, and there is nothing wrong with that.
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  5. Well, at the end of the day, it's all about rutting, isn't it? :smile:
  6. Is that why men say "yes Dear" lots?
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  7. For an interesting take on alpha male issues and how women see men, try this song. The lyrics are delightful and besides, I wanted an excuse to post a link to one of my favourite songs of all time :biggrin:

    #107 Loz, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014

  8. fastest bike and shiniest helmet please
    #108 Char, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  9. true, but 'nice' is so insipid...id rather have naughty.
  10. Or "downright filthy" :upyeah:
  11. I know someone like that.............................................................................................:cool:
  12. Me too :cool:
  13. We've seen some of the pictures too!
  14. but as i said, 'trying to big yourself' is not a trait of an alpha male. thats a sign of insecurity...your remark about being comfy in their own skin and being funny ARE alpha male traits. As i said, its about being grounded, calm and unaffected. however, EVERYONE needs bolstering up and compassion from time to time. We ALL require validation, its part of the human condition and its one of the motivators behind altrusim and striving to acheive. We have an inherent desire to please those we love and those whom we respect...after all, whats the point of having the approval of people that YOU dont respect...?
    Attraction isnt a conscious choice, its a psychological and physiological response to certain triggers or 'attraction switches'..Read 'The Human Sexes' by Dr. Desmond Morris (the worlds leading anthropologist who 'invented' the science of body language), or 'The evolution of desire' by David Buss...very interesting, thought provoking reads..These texts are based upon years of research with humans from virtually every cultural background on earth..and the thing thats the most remarkable is that behind the social and cultural differences, the game of attraction and love is EXACTLY the same....to the letter...even the ratios of hip to waist measurements that men find the most attractive..its universal...
    We all have the conceit of thinking that our thoughts and behaviours are unique but thats the very thing that makes us so predictable and so....human..beneath it all, were surprisingly similar.
  15. Though there is that thing whereby the alpha male, to ensure that he remains top of the banana tree, has to quash pretenders and demonstrate his alphaness.

    I have to say that I don't get on much with most alpha males. Maybe that's because they see me as a rival. I also find most alpha people, male or female, lacking in humour, self-deprecation and tending to take themselves too seriously. There are always exceptions naturally. That is why you have rich people who are finnicky and always complaining: nothing ever seems to be good enough for them.

    I suspect that true alphas don't distribute that many free smiles. In fact, they seem to have a loathing for giving anything away at all. You might claim that these are not true alpha males, but it's all a bit debatable. As Machiavelli said, it is good to be feared and loved. But if you have to choose between the two, it's better to be feared. There are plenty of people who subscribe to that view.
  16. thats probably because youre one seriously alpha mo-fo....

    id rather be loved than feared....unless youre a christian of course..in which case you MUST be scared of the big myth in the sky....how is it possible to love AND fear anyone?? never mind a noentity...

    the fact remains...i wouldnt sell my soul to have a paso doble with Bussel but if the offer were there, id probably (read: definately) sign up for the anul doble...strictly no strings*

    *pun intended
  17. This seems to be approaching the wider and more general question whether free will exists at all, or is an illusion. There are strong philosophical reasons for concluding free will is an illusion, but the consequences of that conclusion in terms of human society are very difficult to accept in practice. See for example Prof Galen Strawson's 'Basic Argument':
    1. You do what you do, in any given situation, because of the way you are.
    2. In order to be ultimately responsible for what you do, you have to be ultimately responsible for the way you are — at least in certain crucial mental respects.
    3. But you cannot be ultimately responsible for the way you are in any respect at all.
    4. So you cannot be ultimately responsible for what you do.
  18. Yes, but that is if you are the ruler of a nation. He didn't mean ordinary folk like you and me who are not rulers, nor trying to be.
  19. Well, you could take it as anyone in a position to wield power. That power might only be wielded in your own home. I'd have to reread the book to find out if it was aimed exclusively at Princes, but if it was, not being one, the book would have no relevance whatsoever and may as well be out of print. I'll take it as being a bit more universal than that.

    It's almost worse than that. Some people who have a chemical deficiency in the brain, act in unacceptable ways. Restore the chemical equilibrium, and they turn back into pleasant members of society. Surely this means that your "character" is just a chemical balance which may be unique to you. Unbalance it and you might become anyone. This would make you not only not responsible for your acts, but equally, really no more evolved in a spiritual sense than a jellyfish.

    Is a dog more spiritually evolved that a jellyfish? A rat? A snail? Where do you want to draw the line?
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