Waterproof Riding Rucksacks????

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by andyt749, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Hi All,

    Can anyone give recommendations for medium/small size rucksacks, nothing stupid expensive just carrying items that become essential for work, ie notebook, organiser, shoes etc
    Need to be waterproof

  2. #2 charlie0749, Jul 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
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  3. I use a Kriega R30 daily. Brilliant piece of kit that keeps everything dry in all weathers. It is essentially a Kriega drypack with shoulder straps.

    You can adjust the size with additional straps and the whole thing feels super comfy on ( two fixing straps across the chest and upper abdomen).

    Downside - a good few squids , if you decide to go for it check out this voucher code courtesy of Baron Von Grumble and his little chum.

    44Rewards -
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  4. Looked at this one, didn't look like the straps were dedicated to the bag, how is comfort on long journeys, and is it with leathers or textiles you using?
  5. Longest stint was a mini tour ( 3 days ) and the comfort was great. Load enough weight in any backpack and eventually it may become uncomfortable.

    I've used it with both leathers & textiles without issues.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. have a look in outdoor magazines for reviews of climbing rucksacks, usually waterproof and often have a shape cut , such that a climbing helmet does not catch the top of the rucksack - same place a crash helmet fits...... I have a 30 litre one - Lowe Alpine one - does me for trips into the medium smoke (Bristol), which are currently daily.
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  7. No not at all it's like a dry sack but a rucksack. If u not carrying much it goes down smaller . It's totally adjustable as a normal rucksack
    I got a Kriega R30 and replace it with the overboard you can throw the overboard rucksack in a pond and it will stay dry and the the Kriega R30 isn't waterproof you would need a inner dry bag .
    #8 charlie0749, Jul 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
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  8. Ortlieb, dry bag etc
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  9. The R30 main body is completely waterproof , as are the US dry packs it's based on. I've used the products for 2 years ( seen a drop or two of rain in that time) and the contents have been bone dry.
    It has a 10yr warranty backing this claim.
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  10. Ditto anything from Kriega, very good and so well made
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  11. +1 Kriega. So comfortable that you forget you have it on!

    British, extremely well made, lasts for years, what more could you want?
  12. Kreiga are very comfortable and have kept my gear dry in all sorts of weather. They are not 'drop them in a pond' waterproof though, because all the ones I've had have a drain hole in the bottom (photo of bottom of my R20 below)...

  13. I use an Overboard roll top rucksack for my daily commute. My stuff has always stayed dry - it is properly waterproof. It has chest and waist straps - possibly not as biker-ergonomic as Kriega, and I wouldn't want to use as touring luggage (prefer my Kriega tailpacks) but for the daily commute it's fine, and even when it's stuffed doesn't foul on the back of my helmet e.g. when doing lifesavers.

    I know the Kriega R25 rucksack in the past didn't promise the same sort of waterproofing as the Kriega tailpacks. It may be that the R30 is different.

    The Overboard was also quite a bit cheaper than Kriega.
  14. Cheapo option is to use a regular/cheap rucksack and use plastic bags inside to wrap your stuff in. is all I have relied for years, and never been let down yet (cycle to work most days with laptop, phones, dry kit, lunch, etc).

    however, I do like the look of those overboard high-vis rucksacks, and may just break the piggy-bank.
  15. The Kriega Stuff is fantastic and is designed to fit you when on the bike, but if its waterproof you want why don't you put your stuff in a dry bag and then put it in the rucksack, then any rucksack is 100% waterproof :)
  16. I was looking at this to, however it is only showerproof. A mates of mine has one, as has confirmed this to be the case. I went for an overboard bag in the end and it has not let me down yet.
  17. I picked up a Triumph Terrain 35l rucksack as per the recommendations of the dealership. I asked for a fully waterproof rucksack and this is what they gave me... They had a bunch of kriega stuff, but they said that wouldn't be 100% water proof. 70quid and they threw in a free triumph bonnie with it... The scale model guys, don't get so excited!!! :laughing::joy:
    #20 psych0hans, Jul 26, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
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