Bike Shed Italian Evening - Advice Needed

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Dave, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Some nice bikes on display here including an ex Rossi M1


    And a D16 with a bonkers paint job

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    #21 Dave, Aug 19, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2016
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  2. ElT joining you ;)
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  3. [​IMG]




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  4. One for you (and me) @Mr.R

    It even has the original screen on it (but I bet he'd be jealous of my original exhausts)


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  5. Double denim bare ankles and a man bag [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. [​IMG]




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  7. And my daughter's favourites


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  8. [​IMG]

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  9. A couple of events that Bike Shed and 'that crowd' are quite heavily involved with. Time to take the blinkers off I think, many of 'that crowd' probably have more go in them than quite a high percentage of Ducati owners. Anyone here got the guts to try and set up something similar to The Bike Shed? Thought not.

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  10. Oh yes please :D
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  11. It is actually very good here - however I do feel slightly out of place as I've opted for the shirt, jacket and pineapple tie combo


    and the Mrs and I are the oldest people here (by at least ten years), and our kids are the youngest people here (by at least ten years).

    We certainly have nothing like this down in the SW and I reckon me and @Mr.R would be here every night quaffing beer if we lived in Clerkenwell. It makes me wonder about moving back to London but I've just checked out the prices and you are looking at over £1m for a 2-bed flat in EC1V !!!

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  12. For those who are interested


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  13. Yes, sorry but £1Million for a small flat is about the size of it.
  14. We're all members of one tribe or another, so let's not be too snooty
    I wonder if the hipsters ask daft question on their forums?
    "Dudes, what (hair) oil are you using, what's the best"?
    "Can someone recommend me some good re-soling options for my brogues, I'm looking for something that grips like hell, lasts for ever, warmup in no time, great on wet pavements and costs next to nothing, sorry if this question has been asked before"
    "Looking to get a full sleeve ink job done, which colour scheme would look best"?
    "Hey. Looking to get some new jeans, ankle length with turn up. Which ones are the best fit"
    Ad fkn nauseam
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  15. Knowing my luck I'd get a king Edward:(
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    • WTF WTF x 1
  16. I have been to a few of their events over the last 4 years or so. No one is less fashion conscious than me. But I say bloody well done to this crowd. They have put on events that are so different to the shite we suffer at excell and the NEC. Sterling efforts from the organisers. Fantastic work from the bike builders, and I have seen A lot of these bikes ridden too. Its different, its eye-catching, I feel welcomed so what the problem? I shake the organisers hand when I see him as i really appreciate what they are trying to bring to us.
    #36 michel couque, Aug 19, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2016
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  17. @Umbra - loving your analogies. I have to agree that we are all twits when viewed by another "tribe" - so for us to laugh/poke fun at another group/team/passion is only exposing our own foibles and anachronisms.
    Good spot...
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  18. Check my Avatar for ideas !
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I do think fair play to em and looks like they done a top jo of getting some nice bikes together. Wont stop me taking the piss of the "scene" though... But only for fun, anyone who likes bikes, from scooters through to hogs is ok with me unless they prove themselves to be a twat. Plenty of twats in all tribes including ours
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  20. I've been a couple of times now, both on the hyper, and both times the staff have been nothing but friendly. Yes they have the obligatory beards, skinny jeans and plenty of tattoos, but as has been said, they're bikers and have set up a really friendly, inviting place for like minded petrol-heads to go and see all things motorcycle related. If you're in London, I'd recommend a visit! :thumbsup:









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