Months ago I suffered a few high speed cut out issues which finally identified itself as a side stand switch problem. I took the switch off and sprayed that and the connector with lube and it cured the problem or so I thought! A few months of trouble free riding finally came to an end in Augsburg, Germany on tour. Bike would start, run for a few yards then cut out. What next? Recovery? Then I remembered reading somewhere on the forum about a quick fix with a paper clip. Dug one out of the top box from a sheaf of papers and stuck it in the connector. Lo and behold problem solved and tour saved!!!! So to the guy who suggested it in the first place - a big thank you!!! Had a quick look on the forum to try and identify him/her but without luck. You know who you are though. So thanks again
Would you believe I carry a paper clip under the seat, just incase I ever have this issue! Much better than been stuck miles away from home!
Tape it up for F sake! You'll get two mins down the road and that'll fall out! :tearsofjoy: I did the paperclip (borrowed from a kind soul at Xerox as I was at one of their premises when it went wrong - got me home a treat) and taped it up to keep it safe. I then ordered one of the below for a more permanent solution. Electrical Waterproof Connectors Set 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pin Way Superseal Pair Car Boat | eBay
Good fix to get you home, but not to be taken lightly. This is disabling the two most important safety features of the bike, sidestand ignition lock out and sidestand warning indicator on the dash. If one has a less than perfect memory big surprises await
Memory not that good but kicking up the side stand becomes an ingrained and automatic action after years of riding. If you don't do it before engaging gear it doesn't feel right. Bit like getting in a car and driving off without putting on a seat belt. Having said that its a good back up just in case you become distracted. Cost me a salty £42 for a new switch though!!
Yup, I had the same problem on my 2014 bike with the wife on the back, My sidestand switch had water in it so every time I accelerated it seemed to cut out then the power came back on then off then on apart from almost throwing the wife off the back it almost flipped the bike it was so violent. I took it into the dealers as he thought it may be a faulty throttle sensor but he couldn't find anything, it wasn't until a month later and a few close calls that it totally went and I could pinpoint the problem. I ended up getting sent a new side stand switch on warranty, once I'd fitted the new one. I had a good look at the old one, it looked like it had tracked down the sheathing and into the actual switch. so to remedy this on the new switch I filled the sheathing with clear silicone and let it set in position, Not had a problem since and that was 10,000 miles and probs 30 soap downs and pressure washes ago.
I remember it stopping me completely on my old 848, only place I could stop was right by the central reservation on the A13 in the pouring rain. AA motorcycle was right behind me and I thought, perfect, he'll help. He pulled alongside and shouted "I can't stop and help you unless you're on the hard shoulder", then he just rode off. :tearsofjoy: I had some spray contact cleaner in my work bag that got me moving again.