British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. It's the xenophobic Daily Express. They make that rubbish up too just to get the reaction their owner wants. Don't get taken in by them.
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  2. Looks like Helmet Head has got it seriously wrong.............

    Nicola Sturgeon's dream of Scottish independence lay in tatters today after new figures revealed North Sea oil revenue plunged by 97 per cent over the last year.

    It left Scotland's finances with a £14.8billion black hole in Scotland's finances, making the country's deficit 9.5 per cent of Scottish GDP - compared with the overall UK deficit of just 4 per cent.
  3. Except the rest of the UK's black hole in its finances is £75 billion. Bearing in mind that a 1% income tax increase yields about £5billion per annum that means the government needs to increase the basic rate of tax to 35% to break even.
  4. Ah, thats what evo meant, :Hilarious:. so it's grown 1.5 bill in two hrs. how did that happen?
    actually it has dropped 2.5bill in a year. not bad for a country with no real control over over its economy i suspect you dont know jack about GERS and how its calculated or what contributes to the 12.5bill. luckily i like the 50%+?do. dont forget folks that is Scotland's economy WITHIN the uUK. :Hilarious:
    :Clown:'s :smileys:
  5. Or get a few more lazy gits off their arses and working..........

    ....except me, of course.........I've done my 45 years......

    .....whoops, just checked.......47 years.
  6. Working doing what? They are most likely unemployable in many cases as the education system is failing so badly for them.

    There is a massive shortage of skilled workers in this country which is why so many come from Europe or elsewhere.
  7. So we've got too many unemployable unskilled workers, too much Government spending and too few tax receipts. So then, we import millions of for the most part equally unskilled eastern European migrants who will do the jobs our unskilleds are not required to, for the same or lower wages - so for the same or fewer tax receipts; who can claim benefits for overseas dependants over and above those already claimed by the natives here whose jobs they are doing, and who will take as much of their disposable income as they can out of the country in stead of putting in it back into the economy here. Yes that should help.
    Oh yes of course, I forgot. Britons can go to Romania, Poland and Estonia and do exactly the same thing there because as we all know their economies are just as strong as ours and the average per capita income is exactly the same as ours.
  8. So what's the short term answer? It would take 10-15 years plus to set up the structure and systems to train and qualify staff.

    The ITV news last night had a feature on how many NHS hospitals are struggling ( and is some cases ceasing ) to offer basic services as they simply cannot find qualified staff to do the jobs.
  9. The alternative is we leave the EU (which we will - sorry but you're going to have to get used to the idea people) and we source via a points-based and a three or five year renewable visa system (not a welcoming committee bearing passports) only the temporary migrant labour we require, not the automatic right for 490 million people across the EU (and by extension anyone from across the planet who has been accepted entry into other EU countries over whose immigration policies we have no control) to settle here permanently regardless of whether or not we need them or have room for them.
    And we make reciprocal migration arrangements between ourselves and nations of our choosing for our mutual benefit and not for the benefit of the European project or because the ECHR tells us who we may admit or expel.
    Its what the rest of the world does and it works well.

    For example, it has been mooted that there could be a free movement of labour (not people) deal to be done between the Anglosphere nations of the Commonwealth. I would be in favour of that provided there is no pooled sovereignty and Parliament retains final authority over border policy.
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  10. If we can't even get sufficient skilled labour from abroad now how will a points based system make it any better?
  11. We won't be adding to our problems by importing masses of people we don't need. If we can't get people we need we hardly help the situation by flying in millions of superfluous extras just to prove to a few bleeding heart liberals how so over colonialism we are.
    It isn't a competition to see how many people we can cram into a grid-locked island until we all fall into the sea. We have neither the room nor any kind of moral obligation to offer a home to anyone who wants to come here. A population of 65 million ought to be largely self-sufficient and self-sustaining and if we're not we'd better start educating our own and take a serious look at the sustainability of our socio-economic model. Endless growth, development and population expansion is not an option. It is completely unsustainable and will turn our island into a living Hell where a few individuals reap vast wealth from providing bread and circuses to a dependent and captive population - which is precisely why those very people promote each other into the highest echelons of corporate and political life so they can pursue precisely that outcome. We are some way down that road already so while we're thinking about these matters we ought to be considering other ways to live and work.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Sounds similar to the plan Germany had in the 1930s.

    There is plenty of room in the UK but we just don't invest in the infrastructure to support it.

    Footballers being sold for £100 million each but people are starving for the sake of £3 a day? Wealthy business owners buying themselves a third yacht whilst living in Monaco to avoid UK taxes yet he removes £300 million from the company that has a massive pension deficit that then goes bust leaving its employees with ino means to support themselves in their retirement. Yet this man gas a Government supplied knighthood? What a shit world we are allowing this to be.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Absolute and total and utter bollocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. You are the one being sold a lie to protect the elite.
  15. It's an Exige :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Hahahaha brilliant

    So not only racists and xenophobes, but nazi world dominators too. Expect isnt it Merkel that wants to run all of Europe along with 'borders are the worst invetion ever' Junker?
  17. But if you really think we do have plenty of room and you are preoccupied by a desire to demonstrate a tolerant social conscience by blindly parroting the notion that the only hope for this country's future well-being is to fill that space as quickly as possible with concrete and surplus humanity, you are doing the elite's work for them. They have gone to great lengths to ensure that those are the fashionable views to hold. You're on-message alright, but you can't see for which side.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. And you are swallowing hook line and sinker the lefty bleeding heart liberal view that we have a responsibility to help anyone in need.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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