1200 I Give Up! Hello Ktm My Dear Old Friend.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JH_1986, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. Bugger!
  2. Strange - for me I almost would rather take a bike as is and then know that whatever happens next is on me. If I bought a bike brand new, did my thing...pipe, bit of bling, ecu work and then something happened and then they didn't carry out the work cos I say changed the handlebars thatd piss me off more than if I had to pay for say a top end rebuild...almost like, the safey net I thought Id had isn't actually there cos I changed some stuff to make it mine and they use that as leverage to wriggle out of any warranty work which, is what I read time and time again......ie I got my z1ooo 18 months ago, still under warranty (registered the change with Kwak uk) but really expected no warranty help atall if anything did happen. Ironically itll be out of warranty next month but ive not had one single issue with it.

    There was a rocker cover recall on the rsv4 (the original shape leaked) I asked about a warranty recall at fowlers - got the run around and thought...fuck it order the covers and do the job yourself which I did so happy I got the covers (got a discount) fitted myself (took a few hours) - gave it all a clean while I was in there put it all back together. Job done. It'd have just wound me up if spent hours arguing the toss and probably would have come out with fuck all at the end of it...
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  3. I test rode the MT-10 too and rather liked it and I thought with the addition of the higher screen, handguards, comfort seat etc it would make a good all-rounder for sub £11k.
    But 35 mpg and 90 miles to the fuel light doesn't say all-rounder to me!
  4. I saw a live Facebook video from MCN last night, where they took the MT-10 and added every Yamaha option that would aid touring. Looked good I must say but you just can't fix a small tank and thirsty engine combo.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Might just need to go on the dyno to sort the fueling out....but you cant change the look of the thing though - looks awful...
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  6. The XR forums don't reflect this, there seems to be a refreshing lack of whingeing about problems. I checked before making the leap and most I've seen is a few fuel lines coming adrift (for which one bloke got a free Akra can for his trouble) and a couple of soft cam lobes including the MCN bloke.
  7. I too read about the fuel line disconnecting. That's got to be more of a PDI/build problem. Bad though, can you imagine it on a hot bike :rocket:
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  8. I decided when I bought my 1290 I would follow the rules to the letter and make only KTM approved upgrades while the bike was in warranty.
    When the warranty has expired I'll think about custom remaps, airboxes etc.
    Another thing that baffles me is people who buy brand new bikes and hardly ride them because they're too precious. They sit in the garage preserving all that lovely newness then after a year or two the novelty wears off and they start piling on the miles just as the warranty expires. If the bike's a keeper, better to put 20,000 on in the first two years and let any problems surface while you've still got warranty cover.
    If buying S/H (provided its not a rogue model) you're as well going for a well cared for and dealer-maintained bike that's two years old and has 20,000 miles on it than a three year old with 5000 miles that's been sitting in a garage.
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  9. Its funny - when I went for my test ride on the s1oooR (didn't like it for loads of reasons) but one aspect that I didn't like was BMW themselves...All the bikes in the showroom had "do not sit on this" - which I thought was a bit odd. Lots of overweight middle aged men striding around in million dollar textiles on GS's that had never seen a puddle in their lives....when I sat down with the salesman I asked how quick spares deliveries were - he replied "why do you ask? you wouldn't need any spares as it under warranty...." then I asked if wanted to change the rear shock in the future how it would affect the electronics.. to which he just shot me a funny look as if to say "but why?" - same with the heated grips - they didn't get anywhere near hot enough...same thing again....

    I came to the conclusion that BMW like to you ride their bikes as they want and if you cant detract from it, they don't like to you mess with anything.....in my head I had Rich's (louigi's) workshop in my head thinking....id much rather be there...
    #449 comfysofa, Aug 25, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
  10. Go up like Zeppelin
    Crispy nads
    Ducati must pay up can't believe the crank breaking like that
    Sue them
  11. I don't disagree with you for a minute about this, but I hope not to have to go there much after the bike is in my hands! My nearest BMW dealer is about an hour away too which is a bit of a departure for me as I've been used to having a dealer about 15 miles away.
    Don't you think all the large manufacturers (and especially Ducati) are pushing their dealers in this Corporate Identity and FMCG direction though? I yearn for the old style dealers too, you know the ones with a slightly grubby feel but staffed by guys who are enthusiasts too.
    Only one that comes close in my area is The Bike Shop in Faversham (Yamaha dealers) where the workshop manager is a former senior MGP winner.
  12. Yep - I'm glad you see what I'm getting at....that's my feeling - maybe a little bit like Riders for example....but I felt BMW were a bit more extreme....ie if my ktm needed any engine work it would always without doubt go over to GMB garages in Bristol - a really strange outfit - they service and run a fleet of buses/mini buses and also prep rally cars and also specialize in servicing ktm's - Andy Frost is an ex ktm spanner man and knows his stuff (he'll be getting the RSV4 for its valve clearances)

    I'm over at Louigi's on the 3rd to have the slipper clutch put in and also a lesson on looking service and maintenance.....nerd central. Cant wait....
  13. BMW dealers?
    As Grouch Marx said
    "I don't want to be a member of any club that will accept people like me"
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  14. Just got off the phone with my claims handler. It is the view of BlackHorse that they will just take back the goods and cancel the agreement. Need to sort out the finer details and push my luck with regards to being reimbursed for the time spent off the road. He's speaking to his supervisor tomorrow and I will know for definite then.
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  15. Pleased as punch that you've ended up holding the clean end of the stick!
  16. I'd like to poke Ducati & P&H with the other end.
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  17. Actually, as the missus pointed out, it's not about pushing my luck with what i've already paid. I've sunk about £4k into a bike i've had 8-9 months of usage out of. If they're liable, they're liable to reimburse me someway. We'll see what happens tomorrow but right now, just glad i'm not lumbered with the bike and the bill.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. So glad to hear that finally things are starting to go your way!
    If you like corners then you definitely need to test ride the XR at least. It devours corners and gets up and asks for more! Very stable when lent over unlike the Multistrada which in my experience you only have to sneeze and she gets unstable.

    Your going to have loads of fun sorting out your next steed and so you should after the hell you've been through!

    Good luck buddy!
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  19. @JH_1986 and whatever you were paying for the Mutley per month can go into something else (plus a bit for inflation of course) :upyeah:
  20. Pick mine up tomorrow, getting excited now!
    Mind you my ar5e is smarting a bit from being bent over by Dick Turpin (sorry I mean Carole Nash) to the tune of £170 to swap my insurance over. Ouch! :Arghh:
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