British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Correct. Juncker has also repeatedly lambasted the concept of the nation state, holding it responsible for most of the evils in the modern world. But we must remember, Juncker and his fellow ideologues do not propose an end to nations and nationalism, but merely that they are amalgamated into and replaced by a single nation state with an imposed and artificial national identity which he and his well fed and watered oligarchy control - without the interference of democracy. Its not nation states he is opposed to, just those which he isn't in charge of. That's happened before in Europe..
    #2621 Gimlet, Aug 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2016
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  2. Emporer Junker and his band of stormtrooper. Maybe Duke will apply for the Vader role?
  3. The UK is only the 51st most populated Country in the World. There are 2 more populated countries in the EU, both with much better social conditions than the UK. The Netherlands and Belgium have a planned way of managing its traffic to make life more pleasant for its inhabitants and the car isn't king there in populated areas.

    Its not that the UK is over populated its just that the powers that be refuse to manage it.

    Just close to me there are two new housing estates being built. Neither have planned any facility to increase the local infrastructure - no new/improved roads, no new school, no new Doctors surgery and even the water and drainage facilities will be going through the structures already there - surely anyone with an ounce of commonsense would see that just puts a strain on the local facilities. Yet how much money are the house builders making out of it? They should have a financial and legal obligation to quantify, plan, build and pay for the extra infrastructure required.
  4. That is a typical lefty; ignore the wasters on welfare but import loads of foreign workers to do the work the wasters should be doing instead of educating them; thus increasing the population further with 50% of the imports adding to the number of wasters. Idiot.
  5. So we should engage in a competitive race to over-populate should we? Others countries are even more overcrowded than ours and so our object should be to reach their levels of population density before the subject is worth discussing. The process of filling our little island to breaking point and obliterating our landscape under a sea of concrete will be more agreeable if we manage it better.
    It's a premise that doesn't address the point that we shouldn't be doing it in the first place. We shouldn't be living by an economic model built upon the impossibility of endless growth, mindless consumption and continual development: because those things are finite. Eventually you hit the wall.
    This fatally flawed model is not sustainable for the country as a whole. It doesn't benefit the country as a whole. It will benefit the few who grow rich from the process and whose wealth will allow them to escape the consequences while those who can't escape have their lives blighted.
    #2625 Gimlet, Aug 25, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2016
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  6. We have already hit the wall of economic growth which is why we are eternally at war. It creates wealth for a few.

    A system that is starting to charge people for having savings in their account is already bankrupt.

    However the wealth could be spent creating a better society for all rather than a few more yachts/mansions for the few
  7. I'm not saying ignore them but the current system is massively flawed in producing useful education and employment for them. Giving them benefits to survive is any easy way to solve the problem for those with the power and wealth to do so. You can't just tell someone to get a job if they have no skills to offer.
  8. to be fair the only skill you need is the ability to smile, not have the DT's and say do you want chips or potatoes with that for most of the jobs round my way anyhoo. which for the west coast of Scotland (like many other places)you only have one place to blame. and it aint holyrood. meh.
  9. This thread gets better!! Try getting anywhere where the actual work is in Belgium between 0700-1000 and 1500-2000. Sorted for ease of transport pmsl
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. and the Belgians are plagued with Poles coming over the border to steal and take back cycles, cars, whatever they can. Maybe not in the lovely centre of well protected and cosmopolitan Brussels (only that area tho) but everywhere else it is
  11. Many don't even posses those skills. There is a real shortage of skilled people in this country.

    And in any case if you can be better off not working, why would you take a low paid job with no future. I am not condoning that but think of it from their point of view.
  12. It's not just our country that suffers from this flawed economic model,it's the planet we live on!
    Can anyone please explain to me why queues of people waiting for three days in the pissing rain to buy a new mobile phone when they already own a perfectly good mobile phone is a good thing? Especially as the new one is only marginally different than the one they already possess?
    Of course these are same people who are bleating that somehow the older,(and obviously somewhat smarter!),voter has,"stolen our future"???
    Or that somehow repeatedly buying new whatever's is saving the planet,when what they already own exists,the environmental damage has been done,so why add to it by asking for another one to be made?
    This enforced,encouraged and applauded over-consumption is perhaps the the worst evil that has been introduced to mankind in the last 50 years.
    Back in the day,a motorcycle would pass through many,many hands,(or at least be usably intact for many years),before being broken for parts.The majority could not afford new,but luckily bikes were built to last and spares made for decades after the bike left the factory,so subsequent owners were assured of a reasonable length of time where it would be practically usable.The same went for leather jackets,helmets,gloves, fact anything that didn't wear out completely could be repaired and recycled.
    Nowadays,people walk into a motorcycle shop,spend umpteen thousands of pounds on bikes with power and handling that only superhumans could really take to the limits.And then they ask for performance parts to be nailed on that cost even more more take performance and handling even further from their level of ability!
    And with PCP,keep paying till the end of time but never own the bike!
    And that's,"progress"? Doesn't sound like it to me,but then I'm one of those dumb people that bought used until I had saved up for new,cherished what I bought,and didn't believe what the manufacturer said,(and still don't)
    Maybe a new helmet and leathers to match?
    "Certainly Sir,I appreciate that your old kit has never been down the road but that helmet is useless after 5 years,the helmet manufacturers tell us so".
    And people believe it has no more relevence to the truth than "Five a Day",or VW fuel consumption figures.
    Why are house prices so much higher than they used to be? Because the media has sold you the pup that every woman can have it all,and should be out working.
    So when a single person makes an offer on a house,he'll easily be outbid by a couple with two wages...then the real dance begins,each couple being out-gunned by the richer couple,until the "winners",have no choice but to work to pay the bloody mortgage.
    And don't expect next doors house to be any cheaper than the first one when they decide to sell.Why should they? it's a free market,they probably went without for years to save the deposit and now the have-it-alls want to buy it they are going to pay,big time.
    That's why house prices are inflated,that's why the comfortable taxpayer funded public sector and BBC are demanding long maternity leave and workplace creches.
    Because the "pup",is that women cannot have it all,if "all",is a career and children without subsidy from the rest of us,including those mothers who stayed at home and brought their kids up properly.
    I'm weary of hearing this endless stream of bullshit from supposedly educated people.
    It's not as if they get ANYTHING right.And as long as they have the media to propagate their lies,(go back and check how many lives have actually been saved by the compulsory helmet law,for instance),we will be fucked.
    #2632 Lightning_650, Aug 25, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2016
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  13. deffo. our mainland Europeans are taking up the spaces successive governments have failed to promote. to much emphasis on higher education. it seams a government is failing in its duty if it cant get every one on a degree course.
    tax credits. a reward for the low payed? bollox a reward and incentive for business to come here more like. something i think we might have to get used to. but without the tax credit.

  14. Tax credits enabled big business to keep wages lower
    They should have been paying higher wages instead of £6.50 an hour
    Employment had to be seen as coming down so an easy way of making jobs in big companies too
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. yip. that wasn't an EU decision was it? :Smuggrin::smileys:
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  16. No but apparently all those damn foreigners come here to work and claim OUR tax credits that OUR Government likes to freely hand out. :grinning:
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  17. Are we there yet?
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  18. No. Ask me again in six months time.
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