1200 I Give Up! Hello Ktm My Dear Old Friend.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JH_1986, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. Full and final settlement and the recission of the contract. Bike being collected tomorrow and they will then pay me the money. One more monthly payment is due to come out any day now and they are refunding my that straight back. They stated the auction is purely them trying to recoup some costs. I'm signing over the V5 tonight.

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  2. Excellent, just make sure you've got it all in writing before signing over the V5. I got royally shafted at about the point you're at right now. I went from thinking I was rid of a nightmare, to owing nearly £30K overnight and nothing to show for it.
  3. Got the letter in my bag. It arrived home last night.

    Seems a bit pointless what the did to you, I mean, you could have auctioned it yourself?!?

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  4. We had an amazing Polish builder who sourced our kitchen for us from Poland. German spec kitchen, Blum fittings, individually designed and built, custom colour of my choice, Silstone worktops all installed for less than half the price we had been quoted elsewhere.
  5. Well exactly. I told them that had they made me aware of the offer I would never have approved it. They just dumped it at auction and came after me for the balance, there being some small-print in the agreement I signed when handing the car back. I didn't think for one moment that they would actually dump a car like that and I wasn't unduly concerned at the time, but just goes to show how wrong you can be and what the consequences could be.

    In the end I stuck to my guns and told them I wasn't paying the balance and we could all go to court if they wanted - I'm sure a judge would have had a field day with the whole saga had it got that far. In the end they offered to split the balance three-ways, between myself, BH and the dealer. I took a look at that offer and the opportunity to bring the whole sorry affair to a conclusion after 5 years of litigation had a certain appeal, although forking out any more money certainly stuck in my craw (I had also amassed a £25K legal bill at this point too). I just had to be able to move on and sleep at night, rather than worrying about the depreciating asset that I was potentially going to be stuck with along with the crippling barristers bills.
  6. I don't see an MC garage and work area drawn in there...? ;-)
  7. Architect only had a car. I can assure you it's bike only.

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  8. Looked at our neighbour's renovation plans for their beautiful listed house: includes an underground garage with the entrance hidden around the old kitchen block. She'd a big argument with her architect and the planners over how tight the turn was to get into the garage without remodelling the old building - turns out she'd sized it to get eight or so bikes in, and no cars. I like her priorities.
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  9. What car was it ?
  10. Noble M12 GTO3. The whole experience was horrendous and I learned a lot about the legal system because of it. I had legal representation through some of the process but eventually sacked my solicitor and represented myself although I still had a barrister and their council available to me. Last time I ever buy a hand-built car. Currently enjoying a Nissan GT-R R35.
  11. JH, just wondering, is the KTM as good as the Multi (when it was working) ?
  12. I miss knowing TC is there to help if I cock up. I'd just got to the point on the multi where I could pin the throttle on corner exit and feel like a hero.

    Now it's back to good old feel. I don't mind that in the dry but in the wet it's good to know you have the toys.

    As far as the other electrickery goes, I always left it in sport mode anyway but did like changing suspension for pillion with a button.

    As a bike for riding goes, the KTM does the solo stuff better and puts more of a grin on your face than the multi. Same fuel range (ish), luggage ability, same twin engine kicks (although different character)... all with less electronics to go wrong and an engine I trust.

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  13. Yay!! :)
  14. how is the SMT going ?
    my multi is 3 in February touch wood absolutely no issues at all .....phew
    and a hoot to ride did some big miles in France this year and in some bad weather and saw 150 on speedo, no issues such a great machine my last gen Multi .tell a lie my
    key fob battery died so thats the one issue i have had ..bastard going to write to my MP cost me £2.50 from maplins :rage::sunglasses:
  15. SMT took some getting used to actually. I felt faster on the multi but I've now fiddled with the suspension on the KTM and got that confidence in the front back now. I do bury the front into corners so that's a big thing for me. Brakes are so much better than the multi (back one works for a start).

    I'm much happier knowing that this bike isn't going to cost me a fortune. 150 is the quickest I had on the multi and it felt solid as a rock, so far I've had 135 on the KTM and hit traffic.

    The screen & wind blast are just as bad on both bikes. Turns out touring bikes are shit at aero.

    Overall I'd say the only area it's not as good as the multi is tank range. I get 120 miles to a tank roughly. I do miss the extra 25 miles I could get on the multi. As much as the multi occasionally told me I had a 200 mile range, that never materialised as I cannot ride any bike that sedately.

    Glad I've made the move.

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