The Price Of Failure ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. GP practices are setting up as GP Federations, a fancy name for a limited company that offers its services to the CCG... Basically the GP's are still paid/salaried by the NHS but also have a private company offering specific services to the CCG, usually management of long term or chronic conditions. I hear GP's every day say "I'm not offering that service to my patients as I don't make any money out of it".
  2. [​IMG]
    just saying.
    well done the good people of the SNHS. :upyeah::smileys:
  3. SNHS?

    Oh, you mean the NHS. You silly billy, fin.
  4. no i mean the SNHS. devolved area. as you know. but thanks for the opportunity to inform those that didn't
    :upyeah::smileys:. but funded through barnet, hence the big deal re EVEL
  5. I believe that Pagham village has a similar arrangement. Too good for Bognor Regis, those Pagham splitters are.

    So what type of diseases are your villagers treated for? Have you built up an immunities to the sorts of things the outside world has brought you? Diphtheria, cholera, obesity, etc?

    I bet there was lots of accidents the first time you folks saw an automobile! How did your shamans cope?
  6. So you guys blow trumpets now? I do hope you are being hygienic.

    Just don't make me explain hygiene (again) to you villagers, you never seem to get the hang of the idea of things that can harm you that are too small to see. All you guys seem to worry about are enemies you call Campbells or MacDonalds or Burger Kings or whatever they are called. I really cannot keep up with your petty inter-village squabbles.
  7. who needs hygiene when you have a fleming watching yer back?
    reminds me of that old joke. why do dogs like their balls? :smileys:
    yip MacDonald's and Campbell's one got rich on English gold or was it both? hmm, we have a few traitors of our own, take cammoron for instance,and blair, some might say churchill what with him being in favor of Scottish home rule in his earlier attempts to get elected
    maybe kerr hardie the first labour MP who was in favor of home rule. but yer right little squabbles everywhere. what do they call it? divide and conquer. :smileys:
  8. Politics, fin, politics. What have Elise and I been telling you about it? See if you can remember.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. And do you know anyone that wouldn't?
  10. Another way to look at it is that the Labour Party membership are out of step with voters in the electorate who overwhelmingly do not support Corbyn.

    Corbyn and Momentum seem to have mounted a successful takeover of the Labour Party and they will, where they can, deselect any decent, rational, or electable MPs before the next GE.

    This could be described as a perversion of democracy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Yes and no.

    Yes, when a few Momentum activists can effectively take over an established party; those who put Corbyn on the leadership ballot, after Red Ed resigned, "for balance" must be kicking themselves.

    No, when the rules of the Labour Party are used by the membership to change the direction of the party. If that means the Labour Party splits then so be it, that is a legitimate evolution within the political process; although I can see why many people are very unhappy about it.

    I will be at a family milestone next month with several relatives who are long term activists within the Labour movement and I am sure we will have some interesting conversations.
  12. I would seek to make a distribution of that income in medicine and other things, I believe that if we consider that 300 pounds in dollars makes a difference in some countries where the economy is not the best. Every penny is important to us
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