please dont type big fat hairy men into you computer when your filter is off.................................................mind bleach needed. anyhow movember
Just back from a rather shoite game in Cardiff (bloody good defence, and taking of opportunities by the Argies, to be fair), and got on to chirp to send pics across. So, here is mine from yesterday morning, apologies if you've just eaten...
Lol oh yes we do Least yours is facial!! I recall you being clean shaven when I saw you now look at you.
We menfolk don't know what you mean, Viv? yes, was clean shaven on 1st (so some stubble for first couple of days), but given my hair growth powers have definitely moved away from the top of my bonce, they have to grow somewhere.
Found anything that takes your fancy yet? Think you should have asked for 'before' & 'after' - easier to judge
Will all the ladies on here be taking part in "Fanuary"? Fanuary | A global global charity event held each January that raises awareness for womens health and funds for cervical cancer research :smile: