Thats it you see, my opinion is that a lot of these villages are dying off, yet imo they are doing themselves no good by pushing people away. Again, probably the type that complains every time there is a planning application for a new development. I don't think he and I would get on very well.
I avoid Devils Bridge and only visit Hartside when it is very quiet. Busy weekends at either is an accident waiting to happen with too many riders with no understanding of their limitations.
Ironic as a few weeks back we had 4 days in Tenby....quiet seaside village...blah blah fact it was in fact the noisiest holiday ive ever had in my life...we were staying in a flat on the main street above the shops... Saturday night/morning: started at 11pm with drunk welsh people shouting at each other, then fighting, then followed with being sick til about 4am...a bit of quiet then the streetsweepers turned up to continue the noise til 8.30 am leaving engines running constantly. Sunday morning: Noise started at 4am with lorries delivering barrels of booze and not content with leaving the engines running the bounce then out of the lorry - while shouting at each other. Monday morning: Noise starts late this time 5.45 am about 4 or 5 lorries turn up to deliver food and leave the engines running. Tuesday morning: More people shouting at each other only til about 2am this time...silence...til 5am when the council turns up to water the hanging baskets and proceed to effectively runs an outboard motor outside our window for about 90 mins to water everything. 6am ish I just start laughing - as we're going home that day.... On top of all of this factor in the church is 50meters away from my head as the crow flies and the bells chime on the hour with the peel (if that's what you call it) followed by the hour chimes and then half past the hour...just the peel. And people moan about a few bikes...get fucking stuffed...
I feel sorry for the Devils Bridge residents. The remedy is obviously to organise a 1am to 6am meet every Saturday night for a month, after which, they'll be absolutely delighted to hear us during the day instead - they just need a bit of help to get things in perspective, that's all.
"I picked some damsons in the farmyard below our house". Enid Blyton fanciful, delusional BS to pull at the readers imaginings. Next, a trip to the Ice cream parlor in the Moggie 1000...ompus:
Perhaps he would feel happier living in a nice, quiet, inner-city tower block. People seem to be entirely clueless as to when they are well off.
Just to add to my post... I didnt hate the time I had the. The holiday/few days off was great... I didnt complain to anyone but in retrospect understood that half of the noise was kind of necessity the other half... Well, shit happens.... The worst thing about the holiday was our sofa bed which was knackered and felt like sleeping on a bag of aggregate... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
You said you welcomed all opinions. Flame away if you like... I see both sides of the story. I ride a 1299 (with standard cans) and I live near a road where all you can hear from dawn until dusk of a weekend is the drone of bikers riding like tw*ts through a 40mph limit, right next to people's houses. As a resident I HATE them and it's a good job I don't have a shotgun license! The solution is just to enforce the existing regulations. These noisy bikes are in most cases NOT road-legal. Just imagine if every car made the same amount of noise. Why does a bike have to have extra noise for it to be enjoyable? Do you really need the extra power? Isn't 190 BHP enough? I think that the argument that it means other drivers hear you better is a fallacy; the sound insulation within modern cars is just too good. I just think that some of these riders just need to stop thinking "me me me" and consider the bigger picture, otherwise that legislation requiring manufacturers to detect and forbid the fitting of aftermarket accessories may rear its ugly head again.
One might counter that by asking if 100 bhp should be enough. Why the hell did you buy a house near a road?
Not so much that.... I'd say the speed is relatively easy to curb.... Traffic calming, speed cameras, bumps etc etc Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk
The houses are blumming miles away. He must've opened up all the doors and windows in the house and turned his hearing aid up.
Might have been the V-Max in the photo. Seeing one of those trying to get round a bend, or indeed maintain a straight line, is a terrifying spectacle.