He's got it good; round my way the most noise is caused by: 1. Kids on the way to and from school; 2. Jets in the Gatwick stack; 3. Big cars with fat run-flat tyres; 4. Magpies; 5. The builders next door; (and the occasional street cleaner that sounds like a bloody jet going up and down the road); Not much I can do about most of them....and at least the builders will be gone in a few weeks.
Can I take a moment to moan about the bloke who parks his Subaru outside our bedroom window and works shifts and starts up at 4am - being a scooby he also has to warm the bloody think up before he pulls away - .
You're not kidding Tel that's some hearing aid, he's from Carnforth it's 11 f'kin miles from Devils :Banghead:
Yes you can. Its a fair point. If I was a night shift worker I wouldn't use that sort of car because it would obviously piss off my neighbours, and life is more pleasant for all concerned if you don't piss off your neighbours. I try to avoid riding my Ducati when I know I will be returning late at night because the entire village will be woken up, they will hate me and when I want some peace and quiet all the good will will have gone and I won't have a leg to stand on. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Maybe I'm odd but I don't find that a difficult concept.
There's a Scooby owner who's house is behind mine. He rarely goes anywhere in it... but runs the engine for 20 minutes every day, always ending with a few throttle blips. Thanks mate! (Apparently the engine needs to be run every day to keep to turbo happy, but the car seems to cope ok when he goes on holiday for a fortnight...)
I too have some sympathy for the writer. Cans with no baffle are very loud. If we keep pissing off the non biking members of the population, which is far bigger than the biking members, doubtless some draconian rule will be brought down on us and we'll all be riding electric. On the other hand complaining about noise whilst being up a ladder is daft. Of course noise carries. I don't know that part of the country so I looked it up on the map. Extraordinary! The distance between Carnforth and Kirkby Lonsdale what main road is he talking about but wait, what is that blue thing just outside Carnforth? Oh it's the M6! What? Obviously it's not the road to Kirkby Lonsdale but no mention of it. You're not telling me that doesn't produce a constant drone. I live in London near the M4. I know about traffic noise. (Not to mention the airliners that come through the bedroom window and out the front bedroom window every 50 seconds on their way into Heathrow). I was on a silver bird just yesterday into Gatwick, so why complain. This is a small overcrowded island where we have to live and let live. It only goes to show that both sides need to have some balance in their expectations and have some consideration for others and their rights.
Carnforth bottom left, Kirkby Lonsdale top right. What road are we talking about? You see what I mean about the M6.
Seriously Kirby Lonsdale is in the middle of Bumfucknowhere. The guy complaining has bot all else to do.
He lives in Carnforth. He's got a motorway going through his left ear hole. Maybe I should send my response into the Telegraph and get some balance.
There's three more letters in the Telegraph this morning on the same subject. I'm not familiar with the geography of Kirby Lonsdale/Devil's Bridge either, so I can't comment on whether the original writer has a legitimate complaint or not. But where I do have sympathy with residents (and hence my opening post) is when bikers speed through villages and other residential areas. There is no excuse for this. The open road is the place for speed, not villages and residential streets. Riders who do this hand masses of ammunition to those malign political forces who have it in for biking and we lose the goodwill of the non-biking public, most of whom are not instinctively anti-bike if the crowds of interested spectators drawn to bike meets and ride-outs are anything to go by. Its deliberately anti-social, dangerous and selfish riding behaviour past their garden gates and front doors that they don't like and I don't blame them.
I'm guessing, but I don't know, that its riders heading for Kirby Lonsdale on the B6254 which goes through Carnforth that are the issue. In which case he should have said so. You can't really complain about traffic, of whatever sort, congragating at a tourist attraction.