movie review thread

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by paulfastbikes, Nov 9, 2012.

  1. cant see it on here anywhere so i will go 1st
    saw Sky fall wednesday best Bond ever for me just beating casino royal into second 9 out of 10
    great bike chase !

    week before saw taken 2 which was ok but less gore to get a 12 rating nowhere near as good as the 1st one 5 out of 10

    on a side note saw that Kick ass 2 is coming out and hit girl is riding a purple panigale cant wait for that !:upyeah:
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  2. Hardly Dennis Norden or Jonathan Ross :tongue:
  3. This is a bad thread each person has opinion :) but as you asked:

    50 50
    Iron Sky - Because it is so ridiculous
    John Carter
    Real Steel
    Rock of Ages
    Raise of the planet of the Apes
    The Dark Knight Rises
    The Expendables 2 - Pure fun factor
    The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo
    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
    Resident evil Retribution
    The Avengers

    And now waiting for

    Red Dawn
    #4 Lucazade, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  4. I just go straight to Rotten Tomatoes. It is a great site if you want to really know how good a film is.

    I saw Skyfall last week. Great film, but not as good as it is being made out to be in my opinion. I preferred Casino Royale. Didn't find much between this and the last one.
    Still think Craig is potentially best Bond, but a touch more humour wouldn't go amiss.

    As for train top fight and the bike chase, not as good at the construction site fight and chase in Casino. Saw that again last night on my Mac as I was transatlantic. That is one scary chase.

    Also saw Argo a few days ago. A good film and well worth going to see, but not brilliant in a memorable sense.
  5. Have a go at "Ill Manors" the latest offering from Ben Drew, normally not the kind of thing that i would pick up at Blockbusters, but it was lent to me & IMO well worth a view.
  6. Finally managed to see Skyfall today and was shocked about how poor I thought it was. Big fan of the latest Bond phase with Daniel Craig, and thought Casino Royale was superb, and Quantum of Solace an acceptable follow-on, but I found this latest offering painfully slow moving, devoid of a decent storyline, and lacking any engaging dialogue or script. They seem to have assumed that a stripped down modern day take on the Bond brand meant that they didn't have to bother. Perfect case of style over substance. Extremely disappointed. I know that criticising Bond films for technical accuracy or realism is a mug's game, but when Albert Finney referred to Bond's father's shotgun as a rifle, the film's credibility took a further dive. Won't bother seeing it again...ever.

    Looking forward to The Hobbit, though.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Is there going to be an Aston Martin in The Hobbit?
  8. F*ck the F*ckin Hobbit!!!! All we have had on our "NEWS" and TV screens this past week is the Hobbit this and the Hobbit that, I'm f*ckin sick to death of it !!! :mad: (world premier this week in Wellington)

    Rant over :wink:
  9. I went to the premiere of Skyfall at the Albert Hall - red carpet and everything - so it was a fantastic experience and really enjoyed the film!
    I did think it was the best one of the recent films (CR, QoS) and hopefully they've now finished the whole Bond back-story and can get on with making "normal" Bond films...

    I want to see Taken 2 as I loved the first one, a real sleeper of a hit.

    I'll probably go see The Hobbit as I loved the Lord of the Rings films, even if they were a bit ZZzzzzz in places.

    Most of my film watching is on Sky these days though!
  10. The Hobbit is about the only film that will get the wife to the pictures.

    She sees about a film a decade, but seems to have looked at The Lord of the Rings boxed set about 1'000 times.
  11. Anyone seen Searching for Sugar Man? supposed to be quite good, out soon on DVD.
  12. i found this film very depressing, and harry brown was a better attempt...imho
  13. 3/10 :smile:
  14. bet it's not the only news on your tv now :wink:
  15. actually, when i think about it, the best film i have watched this year is 'the grey'. thought it was intresting, with an absoulte fantastic ending.
  16. Loved Skyfall and for similar reasons Dark Knight Rises
  17. Wellington is hardly world premier :)
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  18. I think they're stretching The Hobbit out to three films. Prepare to be CGI'd to death.

    Two would be more than enough, three is just pure greediness. fact for me, one is too many.:frown:
  19. I'm sure I have no idea whatsoever to which you are referring my good man :frown:, (failure to acknowledge is the 1st of many steps to acceptance of the previous unacknowledged horror that has been alluded to. :tongue: )
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