Now Then

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by alan jones, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. Hi, picking up a 2015 mutleystrada on tuesday................. wibble. Cant wait.:smiley:
  2. Welcome Dave.

    I see you're from Old Leake..............did you used to ride old Brit bikes ;)
  3. Welcome - Most on 'ere are old and leaky :upyeah:
  4. Is it red?

    Hello and welcome to the mad house :)
  5. Of coure its red. Pick it up tommorow.:yum:
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  6. Here it is

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  7. Nice..... Welcome
  8. Too posh for bins? ;p
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  9. Well there is an triumph in the shot, shirley that must count?
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