"It doesn't matter what they write, as long as you can understand what they mean". The mantra of lazy teachers. OF COURSE IT MATTERS!
'you drink too much'. 'last orders please' 'cream of mushroom' (whats the soup of the day?) Vegan. Freegan. Vegetarian. Pescatarian. 'salad' (whats for dinner?) Food bank (the fact they exist, not the good work they do). Would you like to buy two oversized caffeine drinks for £2? Have you got a clubcard?
" First to see will buy" Is that a threat? "What doesn't kill you,makes you stronger " What about a feckin' stroke then!!
owen smith likes your post, me not so much (and with 16 million people (reportedly) with savings of less than £100 in the country we’ll see how un electable he is)
@Red899 Labour's poll deficit is the 'worst party has experienced in opposition' | The Independent Yer man Jeremy might appeal to a few hundred thousand of the faithful, but he will never win the support of the wider electorate.
A majority of those will vote for Labour, they always have, but to win a GE it is the swing voters in the centre that have to be wooed and I can't see that happening.
To dismiss someone as un-electable years before an election seems short sighted to put it mildly. How do you know what’s going to happen politically over the next year or two? People are getting poorer and the gulf between the rich and the poor is getting wider by the day. Corbyn’s the only man who’s trying to do something about this and hopefully with the seeming increase in political awareness and concern of the general public these days, you’re going to be un-pleasantly surprised. (Oh and when the tories privatise the nhs completely that might go a bit further to hammering the final nail in their proverbial and grubby little coffin.)
I read something intersting a bit back that made me stop and think. When a government can stand proudly behind the national services it provides thats great because everyone can look at them and think 'yeah those guys we voted in gave us that'. Once full privatisation has been completed (which is an inevitable outome it seems) and we are resigned to letting the private companies know what we think of their services by completing a customer satisfaction survey rather than a voting card (they try to say we'll vote with our feet on these things but I dont see that always being the case since some of our feet will only take us to the nearest service - and schools are attended by distance door to door or money).... what then do we we look to government for? Some kind of central regulator that cannot be held responsible for anything as and when it goes up the creek?
If only it was accountability that was making them sell off the nhs though. I think we all know the only people who will benefit from the privatisation are the torys and their parasitic rich mates who’s pockets they constantly line at the expense of the rest of us. Couldn’t give a shit if that’s a socialist/hard left view/whatever, theyre an absolute drain on the rest of us and the minute the usually apathetic amongst us come round to this, we’re going to be in business. Which i honestly cant see taking too long as things stand.
Ive watched the underhand tactics being used to privatise first hand. An MRI department i used to work in was excluded from bidding in a waiting list initiative providing additional scanning hours. At that time it used to close at 6pm due to insufficient funds. They argued they could open till midnight and open 3 hours earlier given the funds and see more patients but the tender excluded the current provider from taking part. That apparently was Gordon Brown's doing which enabled Alliance Medical to prosper so rapidly. Inhealth got the same deal. Its not a Tory idea, its a political trend. Its just that the tories are shitter at dressing it up as a good idea. Just my opinion mind.
Awesome. Can't stand the over used word. Always applied to something that is decidedly NOT awesome in any way. Dictionary definition. Awe. Noun. a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. Here's a good word for people that use 'awesome'. Wankers.