Key Ring

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by evoarrow, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. As you can see by my 1st pic (sideboard top courtesy of Oak Furniture Land :upyeah:), I had a dilema. Having a smattering of Ducatis in the garage, finding the correct key to start a bike was a nightmare, often taking hours. :mad:

    I had a look at the Key Ring Shop on eBay. Your advice was well founded as they sell full size Ducati key rings. Now all I have to do is match the shape of the key ring to the shape of the bike of choice and I'm good to go.

    Cheers @Exige , You're a legend. :Woot:

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  2. Bloody hell, thats a shedfull of security on that bike :Jawdrop:
  3. You got an orange key ring to match your orange bike :Shifty:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Oranges ! Bananas ! I'm trying to keep this thread serious and you and Exie can't help but lower it to childish humour. :Banghead:

    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  5. Picked this one up in Hawaii many years ago. Instructions said that you should rub it 3 times on a Hula Girl's belly before any ride and you're guaranteed a beautiful sunshiny day. Now, if I could just find a Hula Girl here in England...

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  6. ring key...
  7. :Bucktooth:
  8. She's a beauty. You're a lucky man. :)
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  9. I'm thinking about adding another key ring to the stable. I'd like to have the benefit of a review before pulling the trigger on this substantial purchase. Has anybody got one of these? :Writing:

    New Official Ducati Corse Keyring | eBay
  10. I actually have the prototype of that one
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Ooooooo, tell me more. :Woot:
  12. With such a long linkage I think the handling would be a little unstable at speed. Would love to do a test ride though.
    IMO, when you are on the tank doing about 35mph it would impede your vision.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. His vision has long since been impeded :Facepalm:
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  14. It's wood :smileys:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. His vision been impeded by too much 'wood' :Bookworm:
  16. Seen the same key ring as mine on fleabay for £49.

    I made a good investment, unless mine is a knock off
  17. It's always the way with classic key rings. :(

    You can buy many new ones for the price of a classic. I've made the mistake of selling key rings before at the bottom of the market. :( Not any more, I'm holding onto them all now as part of the pension fund. :Oldman:

    I've missed the boat on many of them now, I'll never be able to afford them and will have to longingly covet from afar. :Arghh:
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    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  18. Other makes :Wideyed:

    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
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