British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Only the Conservatives can build a "united Britain" in which "fairness is restored" and opportunities are shared more equally, Theresa May has said.

    The prime minister told the party's conference the UK must change after the "quiet revolution" of the Brexit vote, urging people to "seize the day".

    Labour were now seen as the "nasty party" and only the Tories would "stand up for the weak... up to the powerful".

    Government should be a "force for good" to help working people, she argued.

    In her set-piece speech in Birmingham, less than three months after she became prime minister, Mrs May said her vision was of a country "where everyone plays by the same rules and where every single person, regardless of their background or that of their parents, is given the chance to be all they want to be".

    The vote to leave the EU, she said, was a "once-in-a-generation chance to change the country for good" and write a new page in its history.

    Pledging to build a "stronger, fairer and brighter future", she urged people whichever way they had voted in the referendum "to come with me as we rise to meet this moment, come with me and together let's seize the day".

    The vote to leave the EU, she said, demonstrated not only a desire for greater control but also reflected the deep divisions that had built up in the country over generations, with working people too often ignored by the "privileged and powerful".

    "It was not the wealthy who made the biggest sacrifices after the financial crisis, it was ordinary working class families," she said.

    Image captionMrs May joked that as well as questions about Brexit one of the biggest other ones this week had been whether 'Boris Johnson can stay on message for four days'
    Image captionMr Johnson's two fellow Brexiteers, David Davis and Liam Fox enjoyed that opening joke about the foreign secretary
    "If you're one of those people who lost their job, who stayed in work but on reduced hours, took a pay cut as household bills rocketed, or - and I know a lot of people don't like to admit this - someone who finds themselves out of work or on lower wages because of low-skilled immigration, life simply doesn't seem fair.

    "It feels like your dreams have been sacrificed in the service of others."

    Promising to build a "united Britain rooted in a centre ground", she said her government would protect jobs and "repair" free markets when they did not work properly.

    Setting out a "responsible capitalism" agenda, she said the government would "go after" businesses that regarded paying tax as "an optional extra", challenge those which recruited "cheap foreign labour" at the expense of British workers and, in a reference to the collapse of retailer BHS, condemn those who "take out massive dividends while knowing that the company pension is about to go bust".

    Previous Tory leaders have sought to reduce state intervention, but Mrs May said her government would take action to identify injustice, find solutions and drive change.

    [​IMG]Image copyrightPA
    Image captionThe prime minister says she would tip the balance in favour of working-class families
    In a speech in which there were no new policy announcements Mrs May talked extensively about the values which would shape her premiership with the PM, saying Labour did not have "a monopoly on compassion", criticising the party's "sanctimonious pretence of moral superiority".

    hahahahaghahgahhaagahhahahah aghahgahaha hands down the funniest thing ive read in months :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
  2. if you believe that you definitely 100% voted #brexit
  3. one nation conservatism?
  4. sure its him?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. See any similarities? The rhetoric coming from the last few days at the Nazi Party confe...whoops sorry.... Tory Party conference is frightening. I foresee riots on the streets again soon.
    How did the perpetrators know who was Jewish?

    German officials identified Jews residing in Germany through census records, tax returns, synagogue membership lists, parish records (for converted Jews), routine but mandatory police registration forms, the questioning of relatives, and from information provided by neighbors and officials. In territory occupied by Nazi Germany or its Axis partners, Jews were identified largely through Jewish community membership lists, individual identity papers, captured census documents and police records, and local intelligence networks.
  6. you know, thinking about this i suspect it wasnt the suspect spelling but an attempt at drawing comparisons to one nation con/ukip. was the motivation. couldn't be further from the truth. if it was
  7. Finm, Politics, don't get involved, trust me, it's not for you :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. trust me, i would rather have a life, but you guys brought it on us. do you honestly think i should just bend over and let you give me plenty?
  9. In a recent referendum the majority of the people of Scotland didn't support the SNP proposition for independence, I know patriotic Scots who support neither the SNP nor independence. Who is the opposition in Scotland ? Is the Scottish Parliament truly representative of the people of Scotland ?
    Labour is dying both north and south of the border leaving the SNP and the Conservatives respectively in power. Where is the opposition and the representation for the millions of people who voted for neither party ?
  10. Remind me which is the anti-semitic, anti Israeli, pro Hamas party whose brownshirts regularly intimidate and throw bricks through the windows of those who disagree with them ?
  11. wasnt talking about the indi reff jv but the ukip 4mill votes but no seats thing. heard it a lot. it dont mean jack.
  12. What it means is that politics in the UK is failing lots of voters.

    South of the border one nation conservatism is now the only game in town and north of the border there is only one party.
  13. You're telling me. It was weakness of brain power that got and kept us in the European project for 40 years and landed us with 13 years of incompetent and corrupt socialist government who left us printing money to service the £1.6 trillion debt they ran up. Fortunately wiser heads have prevailed, as they always do in the end once the children have let off steam, and the grown-ups are back in charge again.
    #2874 Gimlet, Oct 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2016
    • Like Like x 1

  14. The same happened where I work a year or so ago
    Had to produce my birth certificate to prove I was legally able to work here

    Updating records it was called
  15. Phew wasn't sure how you would take that :) Gimlet
  16. For me some of you are over stepping the mark. The Nazis mudrered millions of peolple, based on nothing more than 'they are not us'. Where is this being proposed by the Tories? Are we spending money on the Armed forces and having them corral non-white Brits into custody?

    Really disrespectful, repugnant even, to compare what the Jews and others went through to a simple realignment of laws that actually put us in line with everywhere outside of the EU.

    Lets remember, the Blair Labour years did more to take away citizen liberty than any party before or since (wars excluded) with snoopers charters, tracking, reporting your neighbour for benefit cheating etc etc. Given their way, we'd all be walkimg around with a card (which bevomes a chip at the enxt phase) declaring us, what we belive, our national backgroumd. Oh and robbing our pension funds and essentially killing the final salary schemes.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  17. Maybe it does overstep the mark a bit and if anyone is offended i do apologise but the rhetoric coming from this week's Tory party conference is not something i expect to hear from a government of this country.

    The use of language that alienates a migrant population is particularly despicable in this day and age ( and i understood there were laws against it) and then they wonder why racist attacks are happening more and more.

    If we make non-Brits feel unwelcome in this country then you can guarantee we will get the same back if we visit anywhere abroad and its hardly conducive to making trade deals with other Nations if we tell them their people are not welcome here.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. I really think (and hope we have come far enough) that the only objection to anyone from overseas comimg to work in the UK is one of economic reasons. Depression of wages, removal of non-skilled from UK non-skilled workers, lack of educational focus on skilled jobs that encourage non-skilled to become it.

    Probably wrong, but always been a half full person
  19. that much is true.
    in many ways i agree.and bearing in mind i am an employer who wants to go back to the 60/70 style of socialism. "you cant touch me im part of the union" bollox. yip 1.6 trill and counting. doubled in the last six years i believe. sure i seen a graph showing how national debt increases despite the sell offs every time there's a tory/ukip government the other day. it could be false right enough. maybe i am still bitter (deffo actually) after hearing/seeing and reading the kind of rhetoric aimed at me during the last reff,not including the broken promises then watching the tory/ukip version of it unfold over the last 9months to its frothy mouth climax today. like i said, never seen or heard language like it from the yes camp. total garbage.
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