British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. what do you think about the living wage, as an employer, do you support to? bring in a low end trainee tech and pay them £10 ph?
  2. i think there's a good argument for it. i will need to ponder it for a while. get back to me in about 6 or 7 years :Hilarious:
  3. Public spending is probably a bit like taking heroin, is a lot easier to start than it is to stop and under the Conservatives it has significantly reduced.
  4. When the left does it it is because they know they are right. When anyone else does it they start calling people fascists or worse.
  5. aint that the truth jv. austerity led to a brexit i believe.
    the left resort to name calling? who owns the media jv?
    i wont pretend to even begin to understand all the whys and wearfores of national debt. i suspect its something to do with tax and spending. the kind of choices your government chooses to make on how to collect and spend. how to invest or waist. all with a 27% share of the vote?
    i know i pay top doller, i also know despite the odd fu.k up i have the best, well meaning trustworthy team in the area. i pay an apprentice nearly that much.considering their experience, v.productive. id pay them more if i could. training's different tho.a slip of the spanner easily costs me a weeks wage. just like last week.
  6. Bear in mind that with less than a few % of the vote SNP have nearly a fifth of the house. How is that right that they should have almost any say in the direction of the other 96 or whatever %?

    The whole system needs overhauling
  7. yip first past the post. it sucks. yet still they want a PR system for as long as we remain. what did the queen (and others) mean when they said said there was a lot more Scottish accents in the lobby's these days? surely there are still the same amount? snp/lib/lab/con makes no difference. doing what they are paid to do maybe?.
  8. Nearly 10 times the MPs will mean a few more accents around the place...
  9. What I meant to write was

    Public spending is probably a bit like taking heroin, is a lot easier to start than it is to stop. At least under the Conservatives the deficit has significantly reduced whilst the debt continues to rise, but at a slower rate.

    Once a government starts throwing money at their client state it is very difficult for the next government to cut it back, something Gordon Brown understood very well.
  10. so what was magie/cammoron doing by rewarding the nation with redundancy,housing bennifit and tax cuts during what should of been the boomtime years?. Norway anyone?
  11. Shows how austerity is a con though. The government spends more every year, reduces the services we get quite dramatically, increases taxes for many but still the debt increases. I wonder whose pockets all that disappearing cash is lining?
  12. Think you'll find they (Thstcher tories) built the war chest that Brown pissed away before he raped the pension funds when they ran dry
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Labour turns on the taps then the Conservatives try to turn them off.
  14. All of us benefit but some benefit more than others.

    Theresa May is at least giving lip service to creating a country that works for everyone and social justice for all, and in 4 years time we will get the opportunity to provide her with feedback through the ballot box. I think she will get an increased majority.
  15. built the war chest? really? torys? certainly didnt build anything useful for the communities they seek to serve. that will of been them peskie lefties again. albeit with dodgy finance schemes. (for their mates in the city) yip blue or red torys. that was the only choice for a while.
  16. We will see. I would love too see a country that works for all but they all start off saying things like this. If she is really true to her word she needs to start at the top and ensure the wealthiest are working to the same tax rules as we have to. The scandal of moving profits abroad and outside UK tax and offshore companies should be the very first place she should start.

    Not a very promising start though with all this anti foreigner talk. These people add a lot to UK society but they appear to have been ostracised already.
  17. I think people who shriek "fascist" in the most hysterical and preposterous manner at anyone whose views do not align precisely with left-wing orthodoxy are of the same class as those who make exaggerated show of recoiling from homosexuals. Deep down they know its their own instincts which are suspect in that direction and they are trying to divert attention from the fact that they themselves are guilty of the very thing they claim to revile.
  18. It won't be a living wage, it'll be a lifelong wage: that is, the only one millions will ever get. In the same way the minimum wage simultaneously became a maximum for those at that end of the pay scale. Its a clear signal from government to employers that competition in the job market is over and they now need never pay more than the minimum to everyone at the bottom of the ladder.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. And every time it's increased the local CoC shrieks 'businesses will close'
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