1200 Hello

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Sonny Sutton, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. Hello,
    I am from Mexico City and have been reading the forum lately. I am the owner of a brand new Multistrada Enduro which I been enjoying so much and thanks to this forum I have learn and discover a lot of stuff related to this bike and Ducati in general.
    This is a fantastic motorcycle and it really has exceeded my expectations. I already have 5000 kms of almost pure pleasure. Went on a four day trip and had an awesome time with the bike. The only thing is really bothering me is a whistle sound coming from the front from 90 km/h and I have not been able to find where it is coming from.
    I am sure it is something related to aerodynamics because it changes depending on the way the wind hits the bike. I hope you can understand my english and can have feedback from someone.
    Thanks a lot and cheers from Mexico!
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  2. Welcome Dave and introduce yourself properly in the newbies section ;)
  3. Hello and welcome

    Never heard anyone complain about a whistle noise coming from the front of the bike at speed..?

    Are you sure its from your bike, and not your helmet..? Just a thought...
  4. Welcome to the site.
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  5. I am 100% sure it is coming from the bike, I also tought it was my helmet but it is not. It starts ar 90-95 km/h and increases at about 110-120. Then at higher speeds it decreases. If I am going at about 100 km/h and i ride behind a truck it disappears.
    I am going to install the enduro package and hope that with the bars and lights the aerodynamics change... lets see!

    Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
  6. Welcome, upload some images please!
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  7. IMG_7185.JPG IMG_7166.JPG IMG_7114.JPG IMG_7113.JPG
    Some Pics of me and my lady!

    Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
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  8. welcome Sonny, nice pics :thumbsup:
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  9. Hi and welcome to forum. Multistrada is a fab bike. I also have a 1200dvt and can report a noise..... However mine us like a police siren but only as I'm pulling away or accelerating from a low speed. First few times was convinced it was police but thankfully no.
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