Hi all, Have been riding for 15 years now with 8 bikes to my history inc a ZZR 1400 so have coped nicely with the power. In June I bought a beautiful 2013, 5k mile Multi 1200 Abs, and it's been bliss until a couple weeks ago. I was, as always sat astride my bike reversing down my sloping driveway heading for the road into the cul de sac, when a boy racer in a Clio shot past the back of me into the cul de sac forcing me to just touch the front bake as I was swinging it round. A drop kerb cost me my planted foot and she landed, although very slowly, heavily on the left hand side. Two neighbours helped me lift her up and back onto the side stand. The cosmetics have been changed simply enough, but at very low revs in first and second, i.e going back on the throttle there is a worryingly loud metallic rattle, seemingly eminating from the exhaust header area on the clutch side. I first noticed it when I returned it to our garage immediately after dropping it but thought it was coincidental. Obviously not! The only visible damage was the snapped end of the clutch lever which itself smashed the plastic hand guard on that side, and the rear foot peg hanger took the rest. Any ideas what it could be? I also very soon after bled the clutch and brake fluids so could it be I didn't bleed the clutch through correctly? Will that in itself cause low speed rattling? Any opinions, help or advice would be greatly appreciated, I would be extremely shocked if mechanical damage was caused ???
Hi and welcome Oohh dropping it .. never good . I don't know much about the multi's .. No damage to gear change mechanism or something like that was there .. just a wild stab in the dark lol
Pointing out the obvious.....24627155(roles off the tongue that one) obviously it's not ideal to drop your bike under and circumstances and I'm sure 24627155 wouldn't be asking if there was damage to the gear mechanism! Just saying!
None at all, the entire are never got impacted. Am now wondering whether I bled the top nipple on the master cylinder. If I have air in there it would explain a lot !! ntire area never touched the ground as I I believe it takes one to know one ha ha !!
No not mr Sir! Skydived with lots of service personnel and police, spent a lot of quality time in their company (generalising)