British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. How many times, fin? How many times do I have to say it?

    I'd rather march on Westminster than Brussels. No language gap and I won't get my feet wet.


    Actually, those are the same reasons I don't want Holyrood taking power, too :Hilarious:
  2. but loz you wont. you will sit on your arse and slag off those that do.:smileys: most of your country has been suffering under the same system as here and for just as long, yet the only solution for you and yours was to remove one of the truly good things about being british. crazy ares over elbow bullshit. i am scratching my head now in total confusion.
  3. What your country voted for was to remain part of the UK and the UK voted to leave the EU.
  4. I'm scratching your head in confusion, too.

    What on Earth do you think that the sociopaths in Brussels are going to do on behalf of ordinary folks that the sociopaths in Westminster don't and won't? Specifically, good things in the long term, I mean?

    Your disgust at the arrogance of Westminster has blinded you to the autocratic inclinations of Brussels and the crazed dreams-of-empire espoused by your clan leaders up in the far North. Figuratively speaking, you are running around from stall to stall, looking for a toilet that isn't choked up with poo. (I know this because I do the same thing here where I am :) )

    And I'll be marching soon enough, when my personal red lines have been crossed.

    Annnnnndddd ... for the record, I reckon people in the South-East of England have a lot more to hate Westminster for than some historical and minor rumblings from the Scottish that date back to when you were being conquered. Please keep up to date!
  5. you know the history, your a democrat remind me of the circumstances around the final indi vote. what do you know of the "vow" and what was eventually offered, what was Fluffy Mundel caught saying of the settlement? you can include the EU question at the time of indi to.. bearing in mind the EU was facing bigger challenges at the time of brexit yet 62% still voted to remain. how many would of voted 2years ago to leave the EU up here?. what do you know of the threats that where made by better together and how it has actually played out? that aint democracy JV, you aint gonna convince me or the other 48% deffo. if the latest stats are to be believed the extra 7% also .nothing is set in stone. that my friend is democracy.
  6. If a populace cannot see through a thin veil of lies and scaremongering, it isn't ready for Democracy.
    If a populace is afraid of self-rule ... you can guess the rest.

    Which was it for the Indy? And which was it for Brexit?
  7. and the worst they can do is come on ducati forum and take umbrage at those that try to change it for the better. dude, your the man.:Hilarious: after three hundred years in particular the last hundred and fifty and even more so in the last fifty i dont recognize your argument re comparisons with the EU and westminster. worlds apart.
  8. Did you just call me "Umbra"? Low blow, dude.

    I know, fin.

    Sometimes I think Elise might be right :)
  9. if you ever find out what exe is about can you please let me know?
  10. More than happy to but ... I wouldn't get your hopes up :D
  11. yip. it will be quicker waiting for this.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. andrew (brillo pad) niel. you total wanker, you where doing so well there. then you just had to finish on EVEL. exactly who was trying to stir up hatred there? unlike scotish lab and torys the snp traditionally didn't vote on English/Welsh and Irish matters. devolution was the answer to the westminster question. which created the midlothion question (but only in the minds of the deluded) with a 10 to 1 ratio of English to the rest the uk representatives, there IS no Midlothian question. ffs.
    Arrrgghh. fluffy, yer a dildo. :Hilarious:
  13. Surely if the SNP were to not vote on English matters ... they'd never vote at all?
    *All* votes are votes concerning English matters.





  14. Oh dear. Another thread dragged pointlessly into the stagnant backwater of Scottish independence.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. oh dear another sanctimonious post that refuses to believe there are other countries with a say in this union. carry on your doing a better job than i ever could.:smileys: again you will note like 99% of inde related topics. it was a response to a question. another one of your way or the highway type gigs?.
    jv, loz everyone. dont ask the questions. cos i will only go and reply, which will only lead to someone else getting upset. :Hilarious::smileys:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. ooft! :Hilarious::smileys:
  18. Don't despair, finm. You'll get the hang of it. I'm almost sure of that :Hilarious:
  19. proof , if it were needed , of just how one person can so clearly demonstrate one of the major driving forces behind the independence movement,,,,,
  20. you promise? cos to be honest i dont think i have any tears left in me to cry. :(
    • Funny Funny x 2
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