Boats For Sale

Discussion in 'Non bike stuff for sale' started by Bjohnson, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. £1375 for the yacht...?
  2. I thought it was good value too.
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  3. If you look at similar items on the link there are a few bidding around a grand, maybe it's correct, not a clue - but I'd give £1375 for the blow up dingy
  4. No hoes?
  5. " yacht " is a very broad term,,,, really just means pleasure craft,,, from small to large .
  6. Yes, it's the right sort of price. It's a 22 foot boat, 30+ years old. You can sleep over on it but it's very cosy, good for 1 or 2 people. Once you go a bit bigger, say 25-30 foot the prices start to creep up.....and the skies the limit!!!

    It's an ideal first time boat due to the low entry cost to purchase, I'm open to offers if anyone is interested.
  7. At that price it's almost worth buying just to stick outside the house to irritate the neighbourhood.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. It's an interesting market. I've got to sell my late brothers 1905 Poole fishing smack. Once I looked into I was surprised how little such substantial yachts like yours ( and my brothers) were going for.

    If it's your interest entry costs aren't high. Good luck!
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