It's not that, this is something people are aware off, and I need to want other decent riders as I don't want them to go through what I have. I'm angry the fact that Ducati don't care and have a brand on the level they have and charge more than any other bike for something with no peace of mind. Even cars have clamped down on securing the vehicle. We can't just accept we are just buying a bike engine and wheels and plastics. There. Reds to be a lot more to be done so we know we are purchasing a good bike
MCN have done a few bike theft / security type features over last little while , hard to say if they would run a product / manufacture specific as they dont seem too keen on antgonising their suppliers.
I was actually considering getting another panigale, but after speaking with the dealer, I am seriously put off, it's not a cheap bike, and I hope everyone takes precaution. These are desirable bikes and are being targeted very highly. Had a chat with a guy who had his brand new R1 stolen
Agree on Ducati just ignoring stuff though. In my opinion they do it exceptionally well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Replace it with an 1198. Mine barely starts with the key! Tough luck though mate, my 1098 SF was pinched from right outside my work in broad daylight, had a factory fitted immobiliser too. The pain does lessen over time, hang in there mate and treat it as only an object. At least you weren't on it and took a beating.
When mine got knicked, I had dreams every night where I would catch them and batter the lot of them. Really played on my mind that some cunts took my hard earned. What was worse was that there was a spate in the area at the time and on a rare occasion that I let the wife drive me, we had a white van force us off the road whilst they made a rapid getaway from whatever they'd just done. Had I been driving I'd have pushed back because I just knew it was them and they probably had a bike in the back. Police turned up about 3 hours later and looked round the village for the van (we reported it and gave the reg). Numpties! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Rule 101, never get attached to a bike. I've gone beyond worrying about bikes being nicked. I've had three stolen down the years, each with more elaborate and expensive security fitted. Waste of time and money I'll never get back. My advice is always don't park it if you don't feel it's a safe place to leave it. Anytime you park outside of a secure building you accept the risk it may be gone when you come back to it. Thats the reality of owning Superbikes.
Agree with Jim, its insured for a reason. And mostly the biggest robbers are the underwriters when you try to get them to pay replacement value... And better to be nicked from away from home than in the garage. Then it does easily affect you as its more personal
Yeah, one was lifted out of my garage. It had ground anchors, chunky chain, double heavy duty garage bolt locks, motion alarm. Didn't hear shit and they even took all the bits of locks and chains with them. Wankers. Brand new GSXR600 K7 with 3k on the clock. Needless to say I moved 3 months later.
That was my issue. Had the same bike nicked 3 times (and always go it back!) and another couple nicked. Several times from the shed at the bottom of the garden, along with push bikes and other stuff. After the first time (and this was 1987) I have since had the occasional nightmare where I am looking out the window with some scumbag taking my stuff and I am powerless to do it. I also had a few attempted break ins at my old house, and for a couple of years when I had race bikes (therefore not insured) and other important bikes to me in there I would often get up several times a night and go and check. And still have reoccurring nightmares of walking into an empty garage.
dont seem like wankers to me,, more like very thorough, competent capable and prob professional,,, unfortunately this is what we are up against,,,
That is why on top of all the usual security I have the garage and shed hooked up to the house alarm. These are on even when I am in the house, so I'd have a rude awakening as soon as anyone got into either. The PIR in the garage even takes photos, and I can request a photo from it whenever I want to check. I'm sure an alarm still won't put them off, but I will know straight away and will at least have some evidence.
Sure it wasn't his missus who took the keys and got rid of "that pain in the arse bike he's always out on"?!? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have so far resisted having a cam that can be accessed via an app on my phones, as I know I will be constantly checking it (not for the multi, but the triumph as its uninsured). So if it was nicked, I can't do anything about it but get to feel even worse because I can't do anything about it...
cant understand why people dont have at least an alarm on the door,, a good loud one,,, the idea of camera / security system to your mobile is a great one. i park my car across the door !!
One of the best parts of having my van was that I could park right up to the garage and shed, and the shed actually wasn't then visible at all. And because it was alarmed, I always felt likely that anyone breaking n to move it would wake me up
I have only accessed it once in 18months, and that was because of a false alarm when I was over an hour away.... it did at least offer me the peace of mind to check and know it was a false alarm rather than rushing back to a still secure garage!
I've multiple cameras. All record to the cloud and have infrared for night. One on the door, one on the garage facing the driveway, one on the alley down the side of the garage and one in the front room facing the door. The sense of security is great and I can check on the bikes at any time through my app. Great for checking on our builders too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Commendable that you have such elaborate security, not sure I would share this on a public forum though..