Worst bike you ever owned..?

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by figaro, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. My dear lord!:eek:
  2. I bought a FZR1000 Exup a couple of years back to take to Assen for the Moto GP. Never had or ridden one, but something I always wanted growing up.
    Well, what a lardy bus!! Great in a straight line but awful as soon as it gets twisty, never meet your heros....very true!
  3. OMFG! Looks like a Waltzer car! :biggrin:
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  4. I was going to say that I've enjoyed every bike I've had ...even my C15 that I started with and the unreliable Bonnevile that followed. Then I remembered that for a combination of reasons (that are too long to go into here) I had the misfortune to own a CB250N Superdream for a short time. What a steaming pile of poo it was. I remember on one occasion riding up the M1 and going up a long hill flat out and it was hardly pulling 50. I wanted to just get off it and throw the fkin thing away. Was so pleased to see the back of it.

    On the other hand the Bonnie was also pretty useless as it vibrated itself to bits, leaked oil everywhere, cables snapped, rear wheel spokes broke regularly, the clutch slipped and the main bearings were on the way out after 2500 miles. Shame really as I really wanted it to be so much better.
  5. Funny old world, innit. I had a 250 and 400N, and a 400T, as dispatch hacks. And although they wouldn't trouble my top ten list, they were a long way from the bottom of the pile. They came into their own after I'd destroyed them with a sadistic lack of maintenance - not so much as an oil or filter check, chains dragging on the deck, major components hanging off - but the little buggers still started first time, every time. And there's a charm in that alone.
  6. Hondamatic 400.
    Where the clutch lever should be, there was a handbrake.
    Don't ask!
  7. Worst bike?

    BMW K1100LT. Only had it 3 weeks.

    Pile of sh1t!!
  8. My road going Tiger Cub.....1967 vintage, has to have been the worst.....it broke down on the morning of my test and I had to borrow a mates Triumph Blazer.....sold the Tiger Cub that night and bought a 500 BSA A7 Shooting Star.....reliable but rattled things off...but the Tiger Cub was closely followed by an ex Police TR6T, complete with telephone box in the tank......horrible piece of shite that drove me to my first Japanese bike...a Suzuki GT500 stroker......yum !
  9. I bought a Gilera RCR50 for my Son a few years back, it needed some TLC, the front brake pads had worn through so much that the piston was actually doing the braking on one side :eek:

    Needless to say it didn't stop, but that was OK because it didn't go either because the carb was knacked and the piston/cylinder worn out... :biggrin:
  10. A Buell XB12S, it was tractor!
  11. Z400 Kawasaki and 1000LTD Kawasaki.....

  12. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
  13. 1000 Exup in about '91 , owned it for 3 months. Fast in a straight line but utterly boring.

    I thought i would see what all the fuss was about with Japanese bikes, having never owned one and bought what was reckoned to be about as good as it got back then !

    Really ?

    I don't regret its passing one little bit.
  14. Yes we won't mention that.......ever again!!!
  15. Yamaha XS 250. Had one on L plates when I was 17, spent most of my time bump starting the thing. Its was heavy, flat out at about 75, smoked like a 2 stroke and was a bad buy. Traded it in for a RD250LC which I still rate as one of the best bikes I have ever owned.
  16. LOL I used to dispatch on one of those back when dispatch companies gave you bikes (whey it's christmas) utterly destroyed it in the space of 3 months, cained it mecilessly just to get it to go anywhere, truly hideous pile of cack, but in all honesty the piece de resistance was a cb500 (turkey twin) that handled like an open barn door in a force nine, horrifying, but it did have a habit of throwing unsuspecting pillions legs under your armpit, which was fun.
  17. CB100 - 6 volt electrics,
    GSX400 Rectifier and Alternator,
    GPz550 wheel-bearings and cylinder head 0-rings,
    GSX1100 flexi frame,
    CB175 Rectifier
    900SS Rectifier,
    916 bip how long have you got? But I forgave it every time.
    916SPS as above and still forgiving it.
    so none of them qualify for "worst".

    Never owned a British bike - fortunately, and only had one British car, which was traumatic enough to be sure I never made that mistake again.
  18. Honda SS50
    Gutless, even for a moped
    Got sick of being ridiculed by my mates on their Fizzies and Suzy AP50's way back in the day.
  19. I never owned in thankfully, but the worst bike I've ever ridden was a Yam FZ6. What a soul-less peice of kak!! I preferred the Suzuki GS500 I did my DAS course on, which should give you some idea of my distain for the Yam :biggrin:
  20. Yamaha SZR 660, weird bike.............. Virbrated like a gutless single,which shoulden't have been a suprise to me,was too small for me, was unreliable and underwhelming.
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