British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  1. just going to leave this here, for no other reason other than i found it a funny wee quip.
    This is the nightmare that Britain has become, where the Tooth Fairy has morphed into Nigel Farage and will deport you if your teeth seem foreign, and where the only apparent strategy for the British economy post-Brexit is to rely on jam and biscuit exports. Stuff that’s really bad for your teeth. The British Empire biscuit will conquer the world, and we’ll build a future where the currency will be the jam jar. The jam jar is already pretty much on a par with the pound as it is.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Does that mean bourbon biscuits will be banned for sounding a bit french and being to dark?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. It would seem the Remoaners on here are still putting up straw men to justify their position, has the recent experience of Canada taught them nothing ? The EU is protectionist to the core.

    From here the EU has three possibilities.
    1. Revert to a Common Market.
    2. Move on to the United States of Europe
    3. Implode.

    1 will never happen, there is no will amongst the people of the EU for 2, so we are left with 3, the only question is how long it will take.

    I wonder how the (very) small problem of Wallonia will be resolved, 3.5 million French speaking Belgians using the rules of the EU to protect their farming interests, what chance is there of a soft Brexit ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I like busciuits
    only £0.40 in Tesco this morning for a double pack :Wideyed: OMG they might go up to £0.44 soon :Nailbiting: wadda we gonna do :Arghh: fuggin Brexit :mad:
  5. i guess we the "remoaners " the 48% will be here for as long as it takes to remind May and the three amateurs elected with 37% (actually the where not elected ) that she and they have a duty to everyone. the more people you can get to agree on the settlement the better.. the "remoaners" seem to have a better grasp on reality.
    a wee podcast brexit related.
    Podcast: Strange days, odd alliances and missing mandates -
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. The problem though is that "we" cannot agree a settlement, "we" have to negotiate the best possible deal, for everyone, with the rest of the EU. But the chances of satisfying everyone, including Wallonia, seems unlikely so let's say "we are leaving, we want a good deal, which is in everyone's interest, but if we can't get a good deal we are leaving anyway, the ball is in your court".
  7. yes it is, and no, yer no getting it. :smileys:
    i believe we have the stronger hand jv, there's nothing the BBC, Murdoch, Barcly Brothers, May or the wee gobshite Ruth will be able to do/say to tell me and the other 50% otherwise. there seems to be more of us every day. you really should of seen and heard what was said two years ago. one more conservative autumn conference should do it. as scary as it was, that was deffo the gift that kept giving.
    i would like to think the Cabinet are not as amateurish/incompetent as they come across, i get it that most story's around at the mo are nothing more than click bait. but the picture their painting aint a pretty one. (the Express story on the Bain Family at Conference in my mind should of been enough to put the reporter and editor behind bars, i know how they gathered and put the story together).
    people just aint listening anymore, i know sales are slumping everywhere but they have fallen through the floor here, people are genuinely sick of hearing it. they have heard it all before, Fishing, Farming, Immigration (all the big ones up here) will all be devolved they said, fluffy and Davis seem to be doing a bit of Backtracking of late. time will tell, but the longer they leave it, the uglier the uk looks. despite the best of efforts to rewrite history, nobody thought there was gonna be an EU reff back in 2014. despite the broken promises of the better together campaign it was settled. cammoron f.ckd it.
  8. Might you try some training? :)
  9. God I hope not as they're in my top 5 of biscuits......couldn't say what the other 4 are but Bourbons are definitely up there :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. In politics, you mean?

    You know about the skipped lectures and "missing" coursework, right?

    lazy finm lazy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I like the way this thread is going. Biscuits should be firmly on the negotiation agenda :upyeah:

    Btw...McVities is now Turkish owned and Burton's is Canadian. Go figure :confuse:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. you know what stuff i read loz i dont hide behind unconfirmed reports from unnamed experts (usually a lab/con advisor). i know some of the contributors, although no less likely to put on their own bit of spin. they dont tolerate bullshit. heres our brexit minister laying out his position from about 8.05am
    BBC Radio Scotland - Good Morning Scotland, 24/10/2016
  13. finm, you get your orders from a small red-headed mongrel.

    I am still deciding whether that's a "wee ginger dug" or a that mutt :D
  14. Politicians must grasp the difference between free market and corporate stitch-up - or face popular rage

    This nails the reason why I voted leave. Loz will say she's turgid and she is a bit verbose is our Janet - you could halve a lot of her sentences but sift through and she's got to the heart of the matter. Its not just politicians who need to grasp the difference between a free market (which the "single market" isn't - its the opposite, a protectionist, artificially expensive customs union) and a corporate dictatorship; Remainers need to understand it too. For many I suspect Europhilia is a knee-jerk political reflex prompted lees by an accurate appreciation of the true nature of the thing they are supporting than by a desire to oppose for the sake of opposing a caricature of Euroscepticism that has been put in their minds.
  15. That really fails to take into account that in a global trading world there has to be rules, regulations and standards to adhere to otherwise anyone can sell any old shite. I can tell you that child labour is still used in this country by unscrupulous firms even in your own locales. The idea that Britain is a paragon of virtue and freedom is no more true than it is in the rest of the western world.

    Whatever the outcome of Brexit, the British people will not tolerate high inflation and interest rates, nor losing their jobs and workers rights. The right of the Tory party is walking along a very thin tightrope that could break at any moment.
  16. loz, pauls (wee ginger) a commentator Wings is a debunker the commentators provide countless other sites including spice, commons library and hansard there is no shortage of unreported verifiable story's in there. thats where most of the accusations of biased reporting come from. not so much what they do report but what they omit to report. big big storys not a peep. but saying all that, i know you know already. but being in that awkward position where you know but cant do nowt about it must be quite frustrating for yah.
  17. I can do something, finm. I can march on Westminster.

    Oh wait. Currently, I'll have to learn French or German or something, then get on a ferry and then march on Brussels.

    After Brexit, I'll be able to march on Westminster and I get to speak my native tongue when I get there. Of course, if I speak my native tongue with a Scottish accent, I may get special favours, considerations and privileges. I'll look into that!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. only the special considerations the banking,car manufacturing and English uni's are asking for. seems fair.
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