British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Your are talking of two completely different things. What the UK pays to the EU has no bearing on the amount of tax the richest individuals and companies don't pay.
  2. Just decided, you and Finm are both shit at politics, you're both bloody daft - this is you two talking about Brexit :Bucktooth::Bucktooth:

  3. your talking economics, we are talking politics. have em on board or have em as a competitor. you @Exige are totally pish at politics. if i mind right you took the hump at Obama getting involved.
    your a crazy kid so you are exe. :Finger: :smileys:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  4. We are talking real people's lives and what effects them, finm and not some imaginary perceived nirvana that has never and will never exist.

    The UK will be the only country in Europe that thinks it is better off on its own rather than working with our nearest neighbors.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. That maybe your view but those I've seen who voted out were not looking for Nirvana, never have. They did feel and still do that things will be better.

    Semantics I know, Once we leave we will not be in Europe. Again I've not see one Brexiter say we are leaving Europe, we are simply leaving a failed experiment organised by the European government. We will still work with our neighbours. I think quite a few remainers forget many in the EU project wanted us out anyway because we always had one foot in and one foot out, i.e. no shengen, no euro etc

    Most of the remainers still whinging tend to be half empty type of people or just angry that they lost. They are absolutely convinced that the next few years are all the U.K. has left. Most reasonable people see the next few years is little more than one sentence in a very long book.

    If you look beyond the next 5 minutes you can see that the EU as it is (and they do not want to change I think everyone can agree on that), cannot remain as it is. That inevitably will lead to either a complete breakdown or the poorer countries being asked for more so they will leave and the project reverts back to the small size it was before.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. You're shit at economics finm, don't get involved ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. You are now attacking your one and only comrade :Facepalm:
  8. No I am agreeing with him.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Wasn't obvious, perhaps all your statements are ambiguous and you are not as silly as you first appear ;):):Angelic:
  10. not attacking me,utopia is what politicians are asked to deliver, but i guess ones mans utopia is another mans straight jacket. thats where politics comes in my yet to learn friend @Exige. to be fair my last couple of posts have been said with tongue firmly in cheek., some call it a half full frame of mind. i call it reality that the tories/kippers cant or wont deliver on the pup they sold. i dare say yer typical red or blue tory can run a business. but they cant unit and run a country. if you where take a wee look through those rose tinted curtains for a mo you would see it for your self.
    they have divided this nation. again, its what they do. but i guess time will tell if all of a sudden the poorer parts of the uk will become a priority.
  11. Silly finm, still believing in "party politics".

    Corporatocracy uses "Left", "Right", "Tory", "Labour", "Scottish Nationalism Party", etc as theatre, to focus the minds of the populace on fripperies and diversions, and away from the serious business of running the world.

    I know you are still waiting to re-start your Politics for Beginners 101 course, finm. You have to start somewhere but please, try and last the entire semester this time.

    And sorry to spring the more advanced stuff on you before you are ready but I don't want you feeling too foolish when the light begins to dawn :)

  12. nobody could accuse you of not being good with the words lozange, but so are 2nd hand car salesman. and nope i wont be buying an almera from yer good self. or your SE colloquial world vision.
  13. The very fact you mentioned the Almera is extremely telling, finm. We'll talk figures ... when you're ready :)
  14. The problem with this is that by spreading the wealth, and we do to some extent, we remove the incentive for some to get off their arses and get a job. Which is why we have so many economic migrants posing as refugees who are more than willing to do the jobs that some Brits can't be bothered to get out of bed for.

    This is all part of the post industrial landscape of the UK in an increasingly globalised world. This requires a bit if a rethink rather than simply regurgitating the same old left wing bollox that has failed us in the past.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. sorry only drive italian. i have standards you know.
    the only figures i want to talk about are the GERS or figures contained within the mccrone report, understand them and you will go a long way to understanding where i and half the country are coming from.
    we are marching on Westminster already. we are just waiting on you and yours to remove yer head from yer arse and catch up
  16. there is no same old left wing bollox and hasn't been for forty years.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Two words



    I would disagree.
  18. devolved. reserved? not to sure what you mean. the first thing that came in to my mind (because i am suspicious that way) your are trying to suggest lying.and manipulating figures within a union is acceptable because its a reserved matter?
    pretty sure we have had red and blue torys for about 40years. the red in some way was easier to live with. only just mind.
    no fan of corbin here btw.
  19. Heh. Still getting lost in the minutiae, I see.

    Advanced learning will cure that habit :)
  20. what do you suggest?
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