'The beast' KTM - god bless em those bonkers Austrians :)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. I just did a sex wee...:eek:
  2. well it is your birthday
  3. Have I given you my present list?
  4. all that exercise you would think he would have lost a bit around the waist by now
  5. Could you imagine Honda putting out a video like that for one of their bikes? That's what I like about KTM; they put all that effort into making a great bike, and they're bloody well gonna show you what it can do. Proper advertising.
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  6. Brilliant advert! I love their company style.......

    Dear Father Christmas.....
  7. I don't recon that rear tyre will last very long if it paints a black stripe everywhere...
  8. It's great isn't it, proper way to sell a bike
  9. I remember when ducati made raw motorcycles!
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  10. Only two bikes in my garage at the moment... ones red and ones orange, and I need to replace the written off Multi next year, Milan on Friday wonder if it will be there in the flesh?

    Better leave my credit cards at home me thinks
  11. Love it. Never considered a ktm , what do they compare price wise with Ducati?
  12. I looked at and had a test ride on the RC8R before I plumped for the 848EC. Great engine, sharp handling, bit uncomfortable for me for some reason. The biggest drawback was the quality of the finish. Very plasticky indeed.

    Prices wise the RC8R was the same as the 848EC. But if you're gonna compare it with the Panigale then it's a lot cheaper.
  13. The original 2007 SuperDuke promo video - they actually did this live on the streets of Tokyo - talk about rubbing the Jap's noses in it! :biggrin:

    #33 Dave, Nov 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  14. And who said our teutonic neighbours don't have a sense of humour :upyeah:
  15. KTM onesie ?

  16. Love the message on the 'bars; the answer is No...:))
  17. [​IMG]
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  18. "We’ve heard from a lot of readers who’ve been very, very excited about the prospect of a production version of the concept bike, without seeming to understand the necessary compromises that exist between flights of fancy and realistic production. Yes, this bike does have a headlight that will pass legal standards and be capable of nighttime illumination. No, it doesn’t make quite as much power as some full-on superbikes. No, it doesn’t have $10k forks. But, because of all that, you stand a chance of being able to afford one, being able to legally operate one and maybe, just maybe, not flipping it over and killing yourself the first time you ride it."
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