Mobo's, Why Not Mojo's Or...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Noods, Nov 5, 2016.

  1. I luv music like the majority.. But, I find it rather strange seeing some of the MOBO awards ( music of black origin) on TV... Is that not a racial statement in the way it points to its crede..

    Don't get me wrong I'm all for a multi coloured world and have many friends of all flavours and yes we could have the MOWO's Music of White origin or perhaps the MOJO's Music of Jewish origin.. I'm fully aware that that the MOBO's are celebrating where their chosen genre of music has its roots, however after being told by a Portuguese ( a Pork and cheese 'er) work colleague that it was against the law for me to call myself English! This being brought about by me having a " come on England" sticker in my car I'm becoming confused as to what is politically correct and or racial..
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  2. I think that people who want to to be treated as equal with the rest of a population should not do things that draw attention to or glorifies their difference. I am against MOBO awards and will always be until MOWO and MOJO are also allowed to exist.
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  3. normal, acceptable and understandable thoughts getting hijacked by rightwing (sorry loz) headlines. chicken or the egg? are they playing to the crowd or creating a market?
  4. I have thought the same, if I started a white music awards I'd probably be threatened with court action or death threats. Bloody music !!!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Minorities are allowed to celebrate themselves and be in everyone's face about it. Majorities are not permitted this privilege.

    Right Hell Tee, you may close the thread now (or move it to the Multistrada Forum, same thing).
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  6. Where Mrs N works they were sent a memo ( nationwide) saying the current black bin liners are to be replaced after complaints that it classed black people as trash! What did they replace them with? Yep.. White bin liners.. White trash! ...
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  7. As above, I thought this when the MOBO awards 1st came to my attention some years back, thinking of the outrage if there were MOWO awards.

    I then forget about it for 51 weeks of the year only for the same thought to return when I hear about these awards again. :Meh:

    I do like the idea of MOJO awards though. :)

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  8. Give these guys a break, they have to suffer in an unfair, predominant white world. It's the lyrics I object to, have you heard some of the language they use? It's all bitches this and hoes that! Shocking truly shocking
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. I just don't like the music that features in the MOBO awards.

    Does that make me a racist ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Sadly, this is spot on.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Not in the slightest. But you'll probably be accused of it. :Meh:
  12. I find Some of this genre can be quite interesting. Have you heard of 'ghost poet'
    'roots manoeuvre' or 'kojey radical'
    Top boys who love their moms.
  13. Oh, without doubt.. X
  14. Not at all, be easy on yourself. I don't like cats, does it make me a catist?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Ohhh nononono!

    @Exige , tell him to stop!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Absolutely ;)
  17. I think there should be COMS awards ceremony annually..

    Full title.. I've a Chip On My Shoulder awards.. Each winner is presented with a golden chip trophy with The biggest golden chip gong of the night going to the person who's given a outstanding contribution of lifetime attitude...

    I will probably get battered for saying that.. X
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  18. Chipist ! :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. Great idea.

    Who could we nominate ?
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