Its the price to pay at this point in the journey to equality and multi cultural acceptance. We are (mostly) lucky that were are born white, become or born middle class, have 1st world prejudices to overcome (fat/thin/ginger/ugly/handlebar moustache) not inherent prejudice determined by our skin colour Not too dissimilar with women IMHO
There will be consequences beyond imagination :Wideyed: only the mini forum 5 know this, we used to be 6 :Sorry: Come back yer big daft pussy
And the winner, of the 2016, Golden Chip award, in the, " Don't you know who I am" catogary is...... Professional footballers.. Well most of them anyway.... X
I quite agree. It reinforces racial difference and perpetuates inter-racial squeamishness when we should be rising above such petty things as skin colour. We live in the same world not two separate ones. Music is supposed to unite people not divide them into separate camps.
The future is beige One day everyone will have inter bred to the point where we will all look the same Is that good or bad? No idea but it seems a natural conclusion