This may have put me off black ducati sportsbikes

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Evil little shit! Look at the example he's setting!!! Oh No! Won't somebody think of the children??????

    Jealous as fuck (apart from the chicken strips, ghastly boots & munter ex-girlfriend)
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  2. Never been liked in this household the kids think he is a waste of space
    JLS here :-/
  3. nobody looks c**p on an 848....except HIM yuck! :frown:
  4. Thats it, I'm selling!
  5. I'll give you 2k for a quick sell :tongue:
  6. I've never heard his music, nor do I want to but I think TWAT is a fitting description. The whole Ducati thing is probably just show to sell more sickly sweet music to pre-pubescent teens. It makes me sick. I hope he'll high side the thing and give us all a break but it simply doesn't look like he can ride the thing fast enough to do that. Maybe he'll get fed up of it and discover marbles or something.

    Unfortunately, this is just more ammunition for our Japanese IL4 riding brothers to beat us over the head with.

    Maybe we could start a petition and send it to Ducati to stop dealers selling bikes to TWATS.
  7. They rely on twats buying their bikes. Otherwise none of us would have one :frown:
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  8. Oh dear... And he only uses the middle 1/3 of his tyres!
  9. Rolled up sleeves and no gloves, trying to look cool when in fact he looks like Terry FUCKWIT.
  10. Anth cock would please me so much more then twat I can't stand the scrout!
  11. Hmm, nuff said. :upyeah:
  12. In my house its Motörhead Rolling Stones , iron maiden ... That's teenager !
    Little ish one labyrinth ????? I looked on you tube and cried this can't be my prodigy!
    My one went to Reading Fest with me and did not complain once as I made him stand for 2 hours 30 listening to the Cure :) :) :) yay !!!
  13. Hi Mel....I'm sure Cock would please you more and who am I to deny you your guilty here you go!


    Here's some cock just for you!
  14. Apart from the guy is a complete waste of skin, what sort of example is he giving wearing no safety gear apart from his helmet. I hope he falls off and skins his hands. Matt
  15. I would hope so :wink:
  16. Plenty of Harleys out on the roads in Florida on Saturday. About 90% of the riders don't wear helmets or gloves. I don't think a bandana is going to be much use when you're down the road, and I bet it happens.

    But then I have decided that Americans are in fact completely loopy, whether on bikes or not.
  17. "Loopy" isn't a strong enough word.
  18. I don't think i could bring myself to go out in full view of camera's with chicken strips like that. TWAT is very apt, and don't get too wound up about his choice of riding gear guys, he can easily afford all the VERY PAINFUL :smile: surgery he will need after his body scrapes a couple of mm off of the tarmac.
  19. What an amazing thread, 2 pages of pure bile for what? Don't you guys have douchebags in Europe? Get over it. The Bell curve applies to every population.
  20. Its called taking the piss. Its the only thing the UK leads the world in :upyeah:
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