So, not sure whats going on with my dvt, Earlier today i went to start bike up (had key fob in my pocket) nothing, no ignition, dash steering lock stayed locked not a i thought oh cock here we go....... So in the end i had to use the pin code to unlock steering and fire her up, so i rang my local ducati dealer to see if they could shed some light, he suggested it could be the key fob battery is low???, now i thought if this is the case a symbol comes up on the dash to say so....then he suggested holding the key fob right up behind the dash....nothing still.. so he said i will need to bring bike in and they will have a look. so finished phone call with him then thought i'd try again...and bugger me it was fine, steering unlocked dash lit up, started fine etc now tried it several times all completely fine, and before i sat down to write this, tried again completely fine. Ideas anyone?? please! Greg
I got some issue once, but had my key next to my iPhone in my pocket. as my car has same issues with keyless entry it rang a bell, I put the key on top of the fuel tank to check, and problem gone.
Have exactly the same problem with my girlfriend's Diavel. Been diagnosed as a weak signal and as the fob battery has been replaced we've gone for the aerial which is going to be replaced. The next time you experience the problem, wave the key fob near the aerial as you push the switch. If that works, weak signal is your problem. Andy
I've had this happen, once. Key and phone were in the same pocket. I put the key on the tank and moved my phone away from the bike and it then started perfectly when I retried. It might just be coincidence but I've taken care not to have the phone in the same pocket as the keys and, to date, have not had the problem again.
Yes phone is another good shout. I had issues with previous multi occasionally the. Realised it only happens when key and phone were in same pocket
Yes, if you look in the hand book the picture shows the antenna in front of the clocks, level with the bottom of the screen in the lowest position. Andy
Another thing to check is the connections to the battery in the fob. I had this happen once or twice and took the battery out cleaned the battery both sides (it had a sort of varnish on it in places) and also the connections in the fob itself. Been fine since.
Am guessing if battery dead, not failing, it simply won't register on the dash? Poor contact would do that.