British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. It also amazes me just how often some will say, that is down to zero hours when it mostly is just down to an increase in people working.:)

    Stay half empty glass my friend :upyeah:
  2. ditch the rose coloured glasses mate..
  3. just let me ask you something personal please,, have you ever worked in a zero hours contract,,,,,,,,,,,,, perhaps if you have you will realise that you feel that your glass is almost empty most of the time..
  4. no,, i dont want a half empty glass , nor a half full one,, i want a properly full one, and i would not ever get that on a zero hours contract .
  5. Like many others , I have been self employed most of my working life, that's about 45 years of zero hours or getting of my backside and finding my own work.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Yup I have, I have worked for an agency that had just that, zero hours and also did that with an agency in Peterborough as an Englishman, If you know Peterborough you will know the significance of that.

    I have also worked in an industry where I had to manage agency staff on zero hours so am fully aware of the consequences, limitations and opportunity on both sides.

    Yep also did that long term, self employed is the very definition of a zero hours contract

    2 easy, Can I ask in return,have you ever done a long term job through an agency on a zero hours contract?
  7. If that last question was meant for me, then no, I have always found my own work, spending nights and weekends pricing for work I might not get.
  8. Right. And no overtime, no holiday pay, no sick pay and minimal state pension at the end of it...
    You choose to be self-employed, its a calculated risk. You choose to accept a zero-hours contract. No one forces you.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. I've spent hours doing job pricing, writing method statements and making drawings, submitted them to the client and heard nothing, then discovered that the client has done the job himself using my drawings and workings. :Rage:
  10. up shot for a tradesman if your good at what you do and your from a word of mouth area and the work is there. you will never go hungry. hungry tradesman=pish or overly opinionated tradesman :upyeah:
    if your looking for builders joiners, electricians or plumbers up here. best join the Que. they will get to you, maybe next month, probably the month after
  11. I'd better move north then Finn. We could be neighbours. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. oh shit.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. dude. i bet we would bet along fine, been having conversations face to face with my opposite number for years now. only ever fell out with one express reading bawbag who was hell bent on using the N word along with others in my workshop. it aint happening.
    he received the appropriate amount of attitude tax in his bill.
    seems there's a profit in ignorance
  14. and no one forces anyone to work on a zero hours contract either despite all the whinging about them

    haha you two should get married:Kiss::Kiss:
  15. no thanks. got a wife already. one pain in the... nope fin. let it go. :smileys:
  16. not sure what you are classing as zero hours,, but i have been working for nigh on 30 years as a self employed contract welder, ( prior to that always perm) ,hired and fired as required, in general managed to do all right out of it, some lean times some good times , btw, hate agencies , they are parasites and have done nothing to help the industries from which they leach a living.
  17. I've been self-employed almost all of my life,and no one has ever guaranteed me anything,so I suppose that's a zero hours contract even if I drew it up myself.
    Rather have a zero hours contract than no job at all,but there you go.
    Also,there is no job I wouldn't do if necessary to pay my own way...I'd be devastated if the taxpayer had to keep me and mine.And there is no distance I wouldn't travel to get work,if there was none locally.
    I think anyone who turns to the State to keep them should take whatever job is available at the time,no matter how menial they consider it to be.
  18. and lots of people and companies are exploiting the less able on exactly those grounds and dragging the earning capacity and working conditions down along with
  19. You cannot really compare a zero hours contract to being self employed.

    If you are self employed you can go looking for other work but on a zero hours contract you cannot. The reality of zero hours contract is you work when you are told to and not when you choose to.
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