Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by El Toro, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Forecast says it could be dry, sunny and around 6C. Any takers for a run out to Squires on Sunday morning? :smile:
  2. I might be. Depending on work. I'll let you know Friday night
  3. Cool :smile:
  4. working sat night, otherwise would.
  5. Bugger :frown:
  6. If it drys up In the morning after today ,I will be up for a cuppa at Squires EL T :upyeah:
  7. If you are going via Burton upon Trent, give me a shout :smile:
  8. Im in if the weather plays nice, what route and what time?

    Went across last Sunday on the off chance anyone else made it out, was a fairly good turn out there.
  9. Matt, Roads don't look too bad at the moment. Want to meet at Cedar Court around 10.45 to give the sun a bit of a chance to dry the roads a bit more?

    Wrong direction I'm afraid unless you want to head north east :tongue:

    Darren, I've just PM'd you. If all goes to plan we should be at Squires for 11.30ish :upyeah:
  10. See ya at 10.45am El T :cool:
  11. Ok thanks, if weather is ok I will let you know in morning if Im coming.
  12. If its cold I can live with that. If its raining then I'll not bother cos I can't be arsed to clean the bike after :biggrin:
  13. Me too I ain't cleaning the bike it's too cold for that !!! :cool:
  14. Can't make it this time :( . Apparently I said I'd help a mate before I go to work. Oh well there's always next time.
  15. Never mind. As you say, next time.
  16. What time you leaving Holmfirth?
  17. Looking good here, frosty but roads dry and there doesnt appear to be any shitty salt down...:smile:
    What you guys riding? , Im on a red 996 with Leo Vince system, the antipodean accent will give me away too...

  18. Roads are wet and some frost down road here at the moment. However the sun is shining so I'm gonna take a rain check and take another look at around 11.30 to see if its any better.

    I don't do cleaning if I can help it :tongue:

    ps. If I'm out I'll be on a 848 Evo Corse :smile:
  19. Well ET you big baby....:biggrin:, Im good to go, roads ok around here.
  20. Roads not to bad round here to and works cancelled so I'll may pop over. Give us a shout el if your going and I'll meet you somewhere :)
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