British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Probably, and I have no evidence for this, both Wales and the SW voted for Brexit because they are poor areas and immigration is taking jobs and driving down wages.
  2. I don't see an end to globalisation any time soon. The Brexiteers are talking about the UK being at the centre of worldwide trade, if that isn't globalisation I don't know what is.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. How easy it is to divide Divide and Conquer:
    Woman v.Man...Families v. Childless...Gay v. Straight...Black v. White...Union v.Non-Union..Public sector v. Private Sector...Scot v.English..(make that virtually ANYONE v.English...)...Striver v. Slacker...Remainer v.Brexiteer.
    Just take your pick.
    But in the death,it's never about equality
    It's ALWAYS about ONE group SEEKING ADVANTAGE over the rest.
    And all of the above deflect attention from the one REAL division: Those with wealth v. those without.
    It doesn't matter how these disagreements come about,they only help to keep those, (who have already taken everything), safe from the majority who will never have much.
    Only by working together as a human race will change anything.
    But one glance at the range of views expressed on this forum will show you that the rich and entitled will be protected for a very long time yet .
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. possibly.
    i was having a chat about this with a mate, a sew chef in the ballachulish hotel, easy 90% Hungarian staff, most of them trained to degree level believe it or not. my area, a tourist destination. and slowly turning in to retirement area, over 300'000 pensioners from other parts of the uk in a population 5.5mill.. if they are forced to leave or not allowed to come, we would be screwed.
    up shot, they often settle in the area, highly educated, bring new ideas and methods, puts kids with generally highly motivated parents that dont have that the world ows me a living attitude in to the schools, offer a v.high level of service compared to our own. pay tax and contribute to society. that for me is the bigger picture.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. But i'm amazed that anyone thinks that leaving the EU will make anything different in that respect. All you will have is fucktards like Gove and Johnson telling you the same things. Gove has already shown his hand this week by saying he doesn't give a stuff about the impact on the economy leaving the EU will have. Easy to say when you are a multimillionaire. These are the people who will be running this country and making the decisions, with the hand of big business up their backsides. Gove is a very close ally of Murdoch and his hateful empire. Liam Fox has been shown to be a crook and fiddler with his expenses and close links to big business. Theresa May has already pissed off much of Asia with her policies on immigration before she even got to be PM.
    If people really voted for those reasons then nothing will change at all, except the UK (or more likely just England) will become an expensive and isolated nation.

    Right wing politics only ever end up one way - division, conflict and more often than not war and death. History has shown this time and time again.
  6. You rich people have to stick together :upyeah:

    However I don't think there is a direct comparison between the comfortably well off migrating to (beautiful) Argyle, from within the UK, who bring an increase in wealth and standards and the bigger picture of economic migrants with little to offer placing a burden on already stretched services.
  7. Thankfully it is unlikely comrades Corbyn and McDonnel (that well know advocate of armed revolution John McDonnell endorsed pamphlet calling for armed struggle by working classes against police and army ) will get to implement their alternative.
  8. there is an element of truth in that jv. they tend to buy and invest in there properties, most people i know are self employed tradesman (and independence supporters) :smileys: and doing rather well out of it. down side, in the last 15years i have been living in the village i do, the nursery has gone. the shop has gone, the schools at threat, two housing developments have been shelved with another one being fought after fierce opposition from our pensioner friends. it's all down hill if it's allowed to continue.
  9. Forget the left wing thing as that isn't me either. I take the bits of politics that are likely to improve the Country for the majority rather than for a few. Usually that means ending up voting for nobody or compromising as most spout more shite than they do common sense.

    We will just end up with a country that is more London-focused than ever especially as London is likely to lose much of its financial centre.
  10. bit of a give away ( hard to believe he was a founder of any tho as most been around for very long time,, too long in fact )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I suspect that the,"middle class-isation",of the rank and file Police,is a deliberate ploy,in the same way as just being in the Forces now elevates the uniform wearer to a higher status than Joe Public.
    Apart from the fact that they all swear allegiance to the Monarchy and her Government,by dividing them from us it will make it easier for them to open fire on the unwashed pitchfork wavers without guilt.
    The pitiful excuse for "Democracy",(the feebleness of which has been exposed by the ease at which the ,"Supreme" Court can overrule the will of the democratic majority),is the maximum they will allow us: it's a cloak of modernity that masks the iniquity of,for example,£385 milion of taxpayers money being spent on a building that the taxpayer may not enter,while millions are without homes.
    Anarchy doesn't need to prevail in order to achieve change: a total withdrawal of labour,refusal to pay taxes...even riding en-masse to Westminster and round and round the square,(without giving prior notice to the Authorities,naturally).
    Sadly the working class sleeping giant has not awoken...yet...
  12. This idea that the Courts have over ruled the will of the people is bollocks. They have just ensured that the rule of law is adhered to. They haven't said we cant leave the Eu, just that UK law states that a few members of Parliament cannot try to over rule written UK law and that is needs to be debated and approved by Parliament first. Surely that is the ultimate stand of democracy? Otherwise we have a dictator in charge. Blame those who wrote the referendum rules as its their fault we are in this mess.

    Its that the top of the Government has tried to ignore UK law that is more worrying.
  13. excellent,, the precedent has been set in the picket lines years ago,, with the army in the police uniforms,, how far were they then from armed actions on the civilians, some of them even family members , Churchills tommys on the streets of glasgow , how many others that we dont yet / may never know about,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dont pay taxes , withdraw labour, ride in mass etc,, but first , dont vote , dont give them ( the millionaire MPs ) a mandate to lord it over us .
  14. with respect mate,, i really dont think that there are many who do not already know that,, with exception of the totally deaf / blind and or those who continue an ignorant mantra for their own interests .
  15. So far so good.

    What the UK Government is trying to do is implement the will of the people, who voted to leave the EU, within their interpretation of the law. There is nothing worrying about this at all.
  16. Billy Bragg ?
  17. wrong,, what they are doing is trying to tread the waters until they can muddy them enough to call the whole thing off ..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. This thought has crossed my mind. Time will tell.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. This is why some struggle with Brexit, will it make a difference, yes, why?

    Take a seat and a cup of tea :) but I will try and keep it brief

    If we do not like our law makers, mp's, prime minister etc we can vote them out and regular enough to keep them on their toes

    We could not and still cannot do that with the EU, I see an immediate advantage straight away.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. So in two years time when the PM says we are doing away with sick pay and holiday pay as its in the interests of the Country you will be quite happy to go along with that?

    What people did was vote in a referendum that had no legal standing. As i said your grudge should be with those who drew up the referendum without any thought to the economic, legal and political consequences.

    A majority who voted in the referendum voted to leave but there isn't a majority in the UK who voted that way.That's why the legal mess from this is unforgivable.

    This Government has tried for years to make Union votes for strike action only legally binding when more than 50% of the whole electorate entitled to vote, do vote that way.

    Do you not see a huge contradiction here?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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