Just wondering how many SS owners out there actually SORN their bikes over the winter period, or do you keep yours taxed in case of opportune dry days (notwithstanding salt on the roads etc) ?
Insures my bike against damage and theft whilst garaged and it doesn't need tax. Also covers me for transportation (van) etc
Usually sorn the ducati but leave the Yamaha taxed, but the Scrambler came with 12 months so will leave them both taxed and road ready. unfortunately, despite no snow we are up to our ears in salt and grit.
It's important to do the SORN if you let the insurance lapse (or presumably also if you switch to the "layup insurance") because of the crazy "continuous insurance" rule which can issue a fine for not having insurance on a vehicle which you have in a garage. It's also worth remembering that ideally a SORN is done on the last day of a month, which means you don't "waste" any of the tax. I suppose it's possible that some SORNd bikes may make brief appearances on "opportune dry days".
Never SORNed my SS in seven years of owning it until just before I sold it - I wouldn't have got much of a new insurance premium back, so SORN was the logical solution. Considering the cost of tax and insurance (for me) it doesn't seem unreasonable to keep it on the road and covered for what is roughly 50p a day.
Since the introduction of the (basically) spiteful SORN/continuous insurance rules that essentially only catch law-abiding citizens who make a mistake, It's just not worth the hassle anymore due to the complications of insurance and 'compliance' fines. I find it easier just to tax & insure for the year and be done with it (must be getting soft in my old age?) and that's with 3 bikes that I probably won't use until March. I fought the law and the law won...
Dry day yesterday. Taxed bike. Rode bike. Took longer to check tyres and fill with fuel than to tax. I'll SORN her again on 30th I expect. Hopefully next weekend will be dry.
That if you don't renew the tax or declare SORN, they send you an automated fine - happened to me a few years back as I'd forgotten to tax a bike that I was rebuilding, as soon as I realised that I hadn't done it (never got the 'reminder') I did it online only to receive an email by return from the 'bottom-inspectors' telling me that I would be receiving a fine of £80 (more than the actual tax at that time). I understand there's something similar with regards to insurance on a taxed vehicle? and that some insurances don't cover SORN'd vehicles, although I don't know the full details? It's just another example of lazy, cowardly law enforcement (along with camera enforcement for speed/bus lane/parking etc.) that mainly catches decent (almost) law-abiding citizens that register their vehicles in their names, whilst the real offenders get away with all manner of no-goodness due to there being no Policing of anything that requires a bit of initiative or effort. As such, to avoid any risk of forgetting to follow the rules, I find it easier just to tax them all the time. I have multi-bike insurance which is too complex to try and modify anyway and at least I can then ride any of them at any time, even if I likely won't until March or whenever it's warm enough for a fair weather, grumpy old fart like me...
Insurance not covering a SORN bike I've not heard of before. Need to check that with my insurance company tomorrow.
I've got the lot on a SORN now apart from the Vespa, which I'll use for commuting for a while yet. I leave the insurance running as it's just too much of a hassle / risk to mess about with them all.
I would recommend checking ! As far as I'm aware your insurance is void if the bike isn't taxed. That has been the case with both mce & Bennetts when I've asked them previously. By no means gospel but that's what they told me when I said the bike doesn't get used during the winter, can I sorn it.
That would effectively put my insurance up £160 a year as I'd have to constantly tax all 3. Surely that only counts if you have an accident on the road not fire or theft from the garage. I'll call them tomorrow.......
I think somebody has been confused and you've been given some duff info there. Taken from my policy booklet..............It's illegal to have a vehicle without insurance unless it is declared as on a SORN.