Fuel Pump?

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by duc13, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Having a problem with my 95 s/l.
    Ignition on, fuel pump runs, starts no problem, idles no problem, then go for a ride and she gets me about 1.5 klm's and cuts out, feels as though starving for fuel.

    Stopped on the side of the road, can hear fuel pump running, wait a few minutes, shell start up and get me another K down the road, sometimes on one cylinder sometimes on two.

    Get her home and she'll sit and idle for as long as you like.
    Scratching my head, maybe an intermittent fuel pump problem?
    Carbs? am running 41 FCR's and all was good until just recently.
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  2. so many things but just to start, fuel tank breather blocked? if you have a spare key you can get the filler flap half shut and then go for a run. filter changed recently? Is it the same with full or empty tank?
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  3. Or......filter blocked; water in the fuel etc etc...............but Wot Chris says is most likely.
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  4. Thanks guys, should of said that hoses and breather already checked.
    I'm thinking filter now, put another 5 litres in the tank this morning before another run,
    originally had around 6 litres in it, no difference.

    If I caught the motor before she came to a complete stop, I could manage to keep her running,
    rough at first then would run clean after a minute or so, would allow me to get a bit further down the road before having to do it again, rinse repeat to get home.

    Filter? Suppose it's the first place to start.
  5. image.jpeg It does sound like fuel starvation. When you check the fuel filter after the pump, make sure you also check the teabag filter that's attached to the input of the pump as dependIng on how murky the inside of the tank is, this can also get blocked and no amount of changing the pump output filter will solve this.
  6. Fuel hose inside the tank may have a small split. Those are the same symptoms I had with that cause.
  7. on a carb SS?
  8. It can happen Chris.....the short lengths between the filter and the pump and the filter and the internal steel pipe can deteriorate if the tank is constantly low on fuel - it seems that some hoses don't like 'air' when left for a short while..........but of course someone may have fitted the wrong type of hose.
  9. best to wait for poster to reply AL? it's far more common on injected bikes. Had air leaks (with fuel level low) and split hoses on both but symptoms although similar, weren't the same as described.
  10. Was hoping to investigate further this weekend, however have been flat out.

    Hopefully next weekend, I'll get some time.

    Will update when I (hopefully) find the cause,
    but it's got to be fuel, thanks again for the responses.
  11. Update: So I finally got around to taking the fuel pump out this arvo and having a look at the filters and the hoses.
    Hoses were fine with no splits or leaks in them, both the tea bag filter and the clear plastic filter were nice and clean, the tank internally also nice and clean.
    Ran the pump with the last of the hoses detached from the solid fuel line and was plenty of fuel and pressure no problem.

    Put it all back together and started no problem, then went onto one cylinder (front not running) then died.
    I think I have more than one problem, whether it be coils or ignition boxes as well I don't know.
    Requires a bit more time than I have at the moment so will investigate further when I can.
  12. Are your igniter boxes original Kokusan or are they re-bodied in an aluminium case and painted black with csk screws showing?
  13. They're originals Chris, however I did replace one a few years ago when it was faulty with a second hand one.
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  14. start with the cheap options
    when it dies check drain screw on carbs (if you can get to them) see if its flowing fuel
    next cheapest spark plugs fresh set incase they are breaking down
  15. If it's fuel starvation, the weak mixture as it gets starved should make the motor run really hot and maybe even make it pink.
  16. Update: We have success!:grinning:.
    First thing " running on one " was easy enough to sort out. I'd had the plugs out a few times checking for spark etc and had only put the front plug in hand tight (how embarrassment lol)
    nipped that up and bang she fired on 2 no problem. Doh!

    Took her round the block and sure enough she died about a klm down the road.
    Lifted the tank on the side of the road making sure no hoses were trapped etc and thought I'd have a play with the fuel tap.
    Tap was in the full open position bar about half a turn, open/closed it fully a few times, as I'd done on numerous occasions and, bang, she started AND kept going !:grinning:.

    I'm thinking I've dislodged some crap at the outlet, time will tell but she seems to be running nicely now.

    Thanks for the help and suggestions guys, much appreciated :smile:.

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  17. Running good and looking great! Congratulations.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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