1299 1299s First Run

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by carson, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. I'll be getting lapped on a school 959!
  2. Everyone knows that a hire bike is always the fastest type of bike going ;)
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  3. certainly do, with obligatory stop at the Venta el Madrono ( just over half way up ),,,,,, then from Ronda either down throo Gaucin to Gib or turn right and sweep back round to Mallaga for good days ride.. ( lucky you )
  4. I was lined up right next to that bike today for one session

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  5. IMG_0525.JPG

    Not quite the same lean angle!
  6. Jealous of your local roads, we've been scheming to get out to Barcelona for a while now.
  7. I think CSS still have slots for the two days on track at Almeria next month if you fancy it ?
    Pretty sure the tuition days are booked up, but there's space for the track days
  8. I always get told off by CSS, doesn't really work for me :)
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