1200 DVT Fogging Headlights.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Yoozy, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. Chaps. My headlights fog pretty badly. (Base model) Its not too bad when it happens in the day I suppose as they are still pretty bright. But, I'm doing a fair bit of night riding and now its cold the spread of light is really poor compared to being out in warmer weather.

    Anyone else getting this?
  2. No?

    Its bad on mine, probably 3/4 of each side fogs up. The lads at Duc Manc are sending my pictures over to Ducati to see what they think.
  3. Post an image please.
  4. I have an s so completely different units, just had the Ducati fog lights fitted by DMC Stoke and they're awsome, the leds on the S are v good anyway but these transform night riding at speed. Worth a shout when you've sorted your fogging issue
  5. Yeah, might look at getting some fog lights. Its been worse than what's in this photo. IMG_8535.JPG IMG_8536.JPG
  6. Picked my base model up Saturday, rode to work this morning in the cold 3c and mine had fogged the same. I had the fog lights fitted and can confirm they are awesome. Would be interested to hear what your dealer says.
  7. If its happenning to a few of us we need to put a bit of pressure on them to do something about it. Send your dealer a picture and ask them to forward it to Ducati. It should'nt be happenning.
  8. I'm going back to the dealer next week to pick up a couple of bits that didn't arrive in time will raise it with them.
  9. I'm sure its covered in the user manual about standard lights fogging due to moisture in the air.
  10. The plot thickens

  11. Agreed :tonguewink:
  12. Hey my 1200enduro manual states ducati can invalidate the warranty if the user does not clean & maintain the bike. So basically if you go 'around the world' on one, you need to wash it at every stop.
  13. Anyone else? I've been complaining about this since new and get the feeling I'm being fobbed off.
    Well, I'm getting pissed off for sure. I'm about to lose it.
  14. Now, that's a good idea, I like it,, but they shouldn't be fogging these days.
    A neighbour asked could they see the bike the other day, when they came round they said "ohh wow that's beautiful" and walked over to the headlights and tried to wipe them clean :tearsofjoy:

  15. Surely that's evidence enough of the units not being properly sealed?
  16. I get a bit of fogging on mine just after I've washed the bike. Can't say I've noticed it when out and about though.
  17. Took mine out first time this year, on return noticed headlight fogging around high beam area. Will ring shop to talk to them, anyone had any repairs done on theirs yet
  18. Been 4 days since I sent the latest pictures in and not heard owt yet,, must be the third or fourth time now. Getting a tad nobbed off tbh. I think I'll just put a warranty claim in saying it's unrideable and let them come and collect it. Fuking hate this shit when the dealers don't keep you in touch, I've been more than friendly and patient. Is it unreasonable to expect your headlights to function in cold/wet weather!
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  19. Yep my base model DVT fog after washing or on cool days. Did anyone get anywhere with a claim?
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