I have been using a Rukka Armas jacket for about three years and it's a great motorcycle jacket. Unfortunately, at some stage during the summer I managed to lose the detachable neoprene collar. I suspect it either fell out of the top box or my wife threw it away without knowing what it was. Anyway, the reason for the loss is irrelevant, it's gone. I spoke to Infinity at the NEC last week and they couldn't help but suggested I contact Tran Am, the UK distributor. Here is Tran Am's reply: "Unfortunately Rukka cannot supply replacement collars or liners for their products. They do not produce any extra stock but just those that are sold with the complete jacket/trouser." Tran Am further suggested that I could get a custom collar made by Hideout Leather, but in my view that isn't good enough. If a manufacturer wants to charge premium+ prices for their products they have a duty to service this type of problem. It's akin to my dealer telling me that Ducati can't supply a replacement mirror and I'll just have to buy a new bike or get some third party to knock something up! To put it bluntly I think it’s bulls**t. Rukka offer a very comprehensive warranty service and they couldn’t manage that without some level of replacement stock. I suspect the truth is that they don’t want to be bothered with low value sales transactions. Is it just me, or do others think this is unacceptable customer service? I coughed up £1000 for the jacket, never mind the other £700 on the trousers, and I am being told I cannot buy an infrequently used detachable item that is both prone to getting lost and that can't cost more than about £30. When you consider the long list of suppliers to the motorcycle fraternity who go the extra mile to offer great service, this really stinks! I am sharing this experience in part to vent my anger at my situation but also to alert others who may be considering a similar purchase. One thing is certain, Rukka will not see another penny of my "hard-earned".
Contact them directly via Facebook. These companies don't like negative comments on their social media pages. There's often the official line and then there's the handling of exceptional cases. Give them the chance to sort you out before going ape on Twitter, Facebook etc.
Understand how you feel, maybe the jacket has been updated and the collar is different now, if you had a malfunction of yer jckt, I'd think they'd send you a replacement in the newer style. I've got a Hideout suit and can't fault it, if I need anything they'll do it/change it etc, IMHO class outfit with great products and after sales
On balance though the brand is almost certainly the best in the world at what they do, and had they have made it non removable people would have probably moaned saying that they want to remove the collar, I did as it's crap. Maybe try eBay? Or contact rukka directly as the uk importer definitely won't be issued with spare parts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Contact BikeStop.co.uk who have a Rukka rep (london) in regularly & I know its costs £120 for the collar jobbie. TranAm are a bunch of cunts & always fob people off, frankly Rukka should be made aware of how awful customers are dealt with by their uk-warranty provider. I left my arma-s kit for the rep too prehaps pass onto finland as I'd done 100,000miles couple of weeks ago but it had suffered two crashes (both non fault) & was proper fucked. But the collar was in good nick,...anyhow its gone to that rep.
I definitely wouldn't want it permanently attached, but it works really well in the rain. I tried sending an email direct to Rukka via their website but it was diverted straight to Tran Am. Ebay is probably be a long shot but worth a try, also Facebook and BikeStop suggested by Razz and GunZenBomZ are also worth exploring.
You could try tweeting something low key, like 'Love my Rukka jacket but such a shame that @rukka (or whatever their twitter name is) can't/won't supply me with a replacement collar for the one I lost...' That might get their attention.
This has got even worse for me. I have received a reply direct from Rukka. "Thank you for your message and sorry to hear about your lost collar. TranAm had already checked with us if we had a suitable collar available for you. Unfortunately collars are not available separately. Different jackets and sizes have different collars, that is why it is not possible for us to have these available as spare parts. We are sorry for not being able to help you. Kind Regards Rukka Motorsport" It's a very lame excuse but it seems I won't be getting a replacement and Rukka won't get another jacket purchase from me.
Wow, that's really poor for a premium product... I wonder if it's a globalisation issue in that getting a spare made in China or Thailand or wherever they are made makes it just too complicated with such a long supply line.
I've posted something along the lines of your earlier suggestion on their Facebook page. It would be great if a few people could look it up and add some supporting comments.
Dont want to offend, am I the only one who thinks its not that unreasonable? Not their fault the collar was lost, and if it was a faulty garment they would (by the feedback above) likely replace the lot. I think its a bit harsh to rubbish them because you lost something
Absolutely no offence taken and that would be a totally reasonable point of view if we were talking about a £150 item of clothing, but that isn't the case here. Rukka sell premium products at top notch prices and in my view they have, at the very least, a moral obligation to service this kind of eventuality. I also agree it isn't their fault but I'm not asking them to GIVE me a replacement. I want to BUY a replacement and I think that's perfectly reasonable expectation taking into account the price of the product.
Umm no, I kinda agree, it's not really about it being a premium product, it's even more reason not to loose the part. It's not going to be a crap piece of textile, it's a custom made piece of neoprene or other goretex I would imagine. It's a shame it's lost but on balance I think the quality of Rukka can't be argued and maybe they will take this onboard for the future and make a few spares. Out of interest what would u pay for a replacement? They would have to make the in small numbers so would u pay £125-130? For it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But they should really be able to sell you replacement parts. He's not asking for it for free after all. Something of that value should have parts available.