So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. On Saturday I hired this:


    And went to swim with these:

  2. Most people: I want to drive a Ferrari and swim with dolphins!

    Gliddy: I want to swim with dugongs ... and drive one, too!


    I hope you had fun, and suspect that you did :smile:
  3. It was a fab day from beginning to end.

    Mustang was only the V6, so not seriously bonkers, but I liked the low-end stomp and it did sound pretty pissed off if you wound it up (which I had to, didn't I?). It's actually a fairly basic car, which I liked.

    The manatees (or dugongs if you prefer) were brilliant! Incredibly friendly, they scoot up to you and demand to be tickled. And they are massive - like one and a half tons for the big ones. So you are in the water with a wild animal, and it's basically behaving like a huge friendly dog. I can't think of a more chilled-out and friendly large wild animal. Just a fantastic experience. If anyone wants to do the same (about 2 hours from Orlando) let me know, cos the captain I went with was a great guy and only does a max of 6 people in his boat, and prefers 4. As luck would have it, since he has no website and no internet marketing savvy, I was his only customer. Nearly all the other boats have between 12 to 20 punters at a time. So with my personal chauffeur, we went to all sorts of favourite manatee hangouts and I swam with them every time.
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  4. Yep, I thought I'd end up jealous :biggrin:

    Great day, Glidd.

    Pedantmode: From memory, dugongs are distributed around Australia /Indonesia / Indian Ocean whereas manatees inhabit the seas around Florida. Roughly speaking.
  5. Been out on the Pashley, not ideal for muddy trails but great fun. :smile: View attachment 7994

  6. Sounds like some of the women up this Dale.
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  7. hey, Glid, could you get me a manatee bumper sticker? I had one on my old audi and I miss it! They're great creatures - I could look at them all day. The place I went to was probably the same place as you - proper rural Florida - porches, rocking chairs, floppy hats and shotguns. Worrying...
  8. Yep, I'll vouch for the shotguns. Not even funny.
  9. Used to own one of the old V8's, 4 twin choke carbs down the centre. Press the throttle and 4 pure squirts of juice into the bellmouths and a fantastic roar. At 4 mpg, rising fuel prices saw its demise.
  10. Made some calls. Did some costings. Did a proposal (which will be a waste of time). Surfed the net.

    Came home. Had dinner. Spoke to Duke1276. Watched footy.

    Now in bed on iPad while SWMBO is making light snoring noises next to me (although she doesn't snore :rolleyes: :biggrin:)
  11. Was locked in room with little lad shouting screaming and kicking doors .
    I have a stinking head cold and came out feeling way worse.
    Got migraine from hell.
    Then to top it off my dentist part did a root canal on my molar .. Then after the temp filling fell out 2 days late I was td sorry can't finish off tooth til jan / feb.

    Hmm yet can fit in money making emergency appointments all day!!
    Went home had a digestive biscuit dunked in tea bit down on my tooth and it cracked in half !!!!!!!
    So total waste of money as now he will have to extract that one.
    If he'd have finished tooth off last week I'd still have a poxy tooth !
    Back to square one in fecking agony !
  12. It must have been quite traumatising for the poor little cherub to witness that at such close quarters..... time of the month???????:wink:

    *runs & hides*
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  13. drove my son about 80 miles for him to fail his motorbike theory for the second time :frown:

    Its a pain trying to get it all done before the mid Jan deadline
  14. Well i ordered stuff on Amazon today that i later found i already had in the cupboard. F.A.I.L.
    About to sit down with my freshly washed and dried out(quite literally, oops!) racing gloves, gonna give them the leather cleaner and conditioner treatment to see if i can soften them up.
  15. down to south oxfordshire to help deliver a training course, home in time to coach a kids rugby team, stopped at asda on way home after that to get food n stuff (got an ok chateau-neuf for £8 - so work from home it is tomorrow!)

    now to find ski holiday for feb 1/2 term :eek:
  16. Today I was managing a rollout of 900 VOIP telephones in an office where I found out that no necessary network configuration has been carried out by our IT "Partners". The phones were delivered today, instead of Monday when they were due. In between explaining to the customer what was happening and trying to re-assure them that "all is well", I nearly literally bumped into an "ex-" I haven't seen for five years followed almost immediately by the guy she went out with, and then settled down with, after me. I was also working with an engineer colleague who then started explaining the treatments he has started to receive for a cancer that he has very recently been diagnosed with.

    The word "awkward" has featured highly throughout my day. And no, I have no idea why I bother with anything.
  17. Christ. Grim day.
    Tomorrow should be better Loz!
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  18. Stood outside in the pissing rain and high winds all day trying to repair an air conditioning system that I condemned 5 years ago. Can't complain though, where there's muck there's brass, it's work after all. My day was brightened by the fact there was a hawk or kestrel of some sort flying around all day hunting for food, not something you see every day in east London...
  19. Sounds like my younger brother on his very first day at school 40 odd years ago. Though he also managed to kick a few nuns in the process :biggrin:
  20. Upgraded to iPhone 5
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