It was actually the insurance companies that resolved the car theft issues a few years back. Making vehicles difficult to insure so that manufacturers upped their game, and insisting people fit trackers to get insured. It is daft that when I got my 1299S, an alarm or tracker was not an insurance requirement!
Leave a ktm supermoto in southmead.... That'd be gone in seconds... Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Let them grind the chain, remotely lock the brakes as they start to wheel it away. Then roll up on them and disappear them. Oddly enough the police would put more effort into the kidnap of two fuckwit bike thieves than they would about the actual theft. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No doubt in our bizarre society the police will condone anyone attempting to stop the scum bags,...because that will mean they cannot ransake the public purse for more funding.
I'd have no qualms snapping limbs. I'm thinking we go all Kathy Bates from Misery on them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Reasonable force what the law requires from you ..if scum bike thief came at me with electric power tool's reasonable to hit him in the face with a brick ?? We need big chains..disc locks not good enough
If you do, cover your faces... People think they are Bruce Lee but pussy out when the shit hits the fan. The offenders might not back down or run off, especially when corned.. I stopped a group of bike thieves, they were stealing the bike in broad daylight while we watched out the window. So me and the bike owner had a word, they were mainly kids with one lad our age. I was young then. 1) they came back and smashed the bike up in broad daylight - police did nothing 2) A few weeks later we ran into the same guys who tried to nick the bike but with more big mates... we were at college, so they could have come back any time. The bike owner did not look so good after because he curled up in a ball the second time. A bunch of mates from college just stood and watched. One guy who wore a leather jacket (tough guy) or so we thought did nothing. Said he thought we were doing ok.... oh and first time round one pulled a screwdriver and threatened to stab me. There are worse ones about like that crowd in the video, if you have a bike worth money in parts in London.... you are obviously at high risk. Don't think these are just kids either, some have some serious records, firearms offenses etc..
I've got to say: i lived in 3 different countries in my life and our police in uk is the most pathetic. i am sure there are decent parts of police force ( firearms officers, flying squad and so on) , but daily policing and preventing/following up crime is seriously not good... I've had bike stolen and police response was ridiculous , but believe it or not they did catch the cunt!(probably by mistake as they were very reluctant to do anything about it) he admitted to 41 bike theft cases - got 18 months- out in 9. probably same one as in today's video anyway
It's a joke isn't it Also when you look at some coppers, I'd wager that they'd struggle to restrain a toddler! Seriously the political correctness and 'possitive discrimination' in this country is laughable!! My mates brother is a copper, I asked him once if he thought he could arrest me, even he admitted he wouldn't have much of a chance. I asked my brother inlaws sisters husband the same question (also a copper) and he actually tried to take me down. It was appalling, i ended up laughing and putting him on his arse! I get the equality thing I do, however you've got to be able to actually do the job. Bit like having some little tasty blonde number as a fireman (woman) - because pc... yeah that's all well and good but she's not going to be able to pull me out of a burning building and carry me down a lader now is she.
The police have all but given up on theft-related crime. Scandalous situation. We pay double: via taxes and then higher insurance premiums on top. I always park in NCPs now, plenty in London are cheap enough and some car parks are free for bikes.
it does goes both ways. i do know plenty of lowlife (really nice guys actually) who ride bikes and if they see their bike taken they will squirt it first. i will be prepared to fight for mine - even knowing that insurance will pay and possibility of being cut. especially in broad daylight in town!
I heard a story back in around 2001 a colleagues friend who worked next door to us in W1 was returning to his bike, helmet in hand, when two guys were pushing his bike into a van via a ramp, he casually approached these guys and asked if they needed a hand, the thiefs kindly refused, so he swung his helmet into the face of one of the guys. The other one ran away leaving the van, and his injured mate, police turned up and arrested one guy with a reconstructed face and he gave all details of his mate. Result. Gone are those days where you get away with protecting your property
Sir I felt endangered for my life and used no more force than was absolutely to restrain them so they can be tried by a humane court for their crime And an ambulance is on the way