I'd wear a helmet for sure. That's what I did in my bike engined se7en. My other method was to do so little miles that even I forgot once I owned a car. I don't mind if it's a sunny day car which gets used infrequently but I like my daily drive to be under the radar.
Just been offered a 2014 C63 AMG plus a load of cash, anyone here got an AMG Merc, and if so, what do they reckon ?? (Apart from needing the Exxon Valdez constantly following you to keep it in fuel!!)
Take it for the sound alone, outrageous V8. You will also have no problems selling it, favoured choice of transport for narco dealers round my way.
I've got a 14 plate C63 and absolutelyfuckingloveit. For me its the ultimate 'family' car, well its got 4 doors and a big boot for shopping its economic and unassuming. OK I put one mistruth in there. Average about 17.5-18.5 mpg in normal use but after a day at Castle Combe I was getting 7mpg.
Ah cool, What you reckon a 14 plate coupe with 28k miles, pearl white, 19 inch wheels, heated seats, would be worth?
A mate from Bolton said on Wednesday evening some C#nts smashed their way through a front door of a neighbours in a quiet cul de sac, at 8pm to steel the keys for a C63. They didn't take anything else just the car!!
Nah, in no hurry either, although this thread has been running forever, I did'nt actually get it advertised till a couple of weeks back, and in my past experience, cars like these can take 2-3 months to sell. It cost 12 quid a month to stick it on pistonheads, so it will stay on there till it either sells or I get bored and pex in against something, but I'm not expecting much till spring time really. I've had 2 or 3 offers, and endless pex ideas but most of them I don't really want, this C63 is a possibility, but again, only if the numbers are right......
Bastards !!! Luckily, we have a vicious guard dog called Harry, so the scum probably would not bother !! See....... How they would run eh !!!
To a drug dealer that would be priceless, no seriously I have no idea but as a comparison(ish) 1 paid £36k for my 4 door with 20,000 on the clock 6 months ago but that was from a Merc dealer so robably top/above price. The carby V8's are holding their prices well now. Top tip though, dont get sucked into the engine, I took it for a few test drives before I bought it even after 3 trips by me and another by the missus, I never noticed it had an analogue radio (no DAB) or reversing camera. I think people paid for the engine but cut back on the spec to keep the cost down.
No DAB ?? Thats a basic human right surely !!! This guy wants 35k against it, and I think its a bit rich, I've offered 30k, so 32.5k plus his car for mine, not heard back yet........ PS, whats carby ?
Only you can tell if its too much really, depends how much you want it and how much the R8 owes etc etc. Have you driven it yet? Funnily enough I parked next to an R8 last night as I stopped he started his motor which I assume had a big boy zort because it was loud, sounded nice but I reckon I'd be pissed off having to listen to that all day. The C63 is very civilised until you give a footful. My girls reckon its embarrassing when I pick them up from school though as when you start it it makes an awsome noise which makes kids smile and mums grab their children in a kind of protective way.
That's the best part of driving past/ riding past someone - when the kids are like what the hell that is so awesome!
Is it the new shape c63 or the older shape? The older shape is very Bradford these days! The new ones a weapon however I wouldn't be getting rid of an r8 for one personally ...
I dont really want rid of the Audi, its mainly cause I bought the puppy, would quite like somthing with a bit more space. I love the Audi and have really enjoyed it, but practical it aint. Might pass on the C63 also due to the economy thing, just for once, would quite like something that does over 20 mpg. Petrol stations are getting tedious..