Visor Water Repellant

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Pablo Pirate, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Its relevent!! Would sHaAaaKe the rain off??

    Might make you ears go numb after a bit tho? :upyeah:
  2. I would like to say why thank you !
    But sadly It's not one of them pink sticks !
    Il provide evidence :)
    I think I should take it back to Ann Summers and demand a refund!
  3. . I use rainex for years to clean my visors, but reading your comments makes me think I had one oem visor a few years ago which had a funny surface on it, almost slightly blurred, maybe this is what caused it? I never thought of that being the cause?
  4. Perhaps applying it with a brillo pad didn't help...
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  5. You mean I'm not supposed to do that to remove the bugs splatter first!!! :upyeah:
  6. Flash Magic Eraser and JML Doktor Power are microcell sponges that work brilliantly for getting crap off your visor, and you only need to use tap water. I've been using them almost daily for 5 years and can't recommend them highly enough. NB. must use it wet, but once it is you can scrub as hard as you like and it won't scratch. It's the same stuff tehy use for the V2 sponges but at a fraction of the price. Then dry with a microfibre cloth and use another microfibre cloth to apply the Visor Proof.

    He11cat, what's wrong with Pinlock inserts?
  7. hey Pabs me mate sat here says if you ride faster it will blow all the water off your visor
    you poof
    he says your gixer get passed by mz s
    ha ha
  8. I have a man that comes and polishes mine but I did win a visor vision tshirt for posting a picture of a v sponge balanced on my sons tortoise
  9. I've been thinking of getting a woman in to polish mine.....might let her do my visor too! :eek:
  10. sounds interesting :upyeah:
  11. I think God may have had something to do with that invention.........he gave us two things called hands........... the days of yore, you could buy bike gloves with a shammy leather patch on the back, exactly for that use.........on your goggles.


    PS....My new visor has already got a water repellant outside and an anti-fog inside......which doesn't seem to come off.

    #32 Ghost Rider, Nov 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2012
  12. I wouldn't listen to your boyfriend he can't even log on to a computer!!!! DUFFER!!!!
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  13. or this...........? :eek::eek::eek:
    Demon Tweeks Turbo Visor - Demon Tweeks
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Last time it was in sleep mode! he must of bored the laptop to sleep :smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Here you go


    I prefer to use one of these.
    #36 iNDITIME, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
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