999 Was It Really That Bad ?

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by noobie, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. 999?
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  2. 999S? .....or R.:)
  3. 999 F03? :)

  4. Depends on the depth of your pockets...
  5. Fair point...although 'S' models don't seem to be going for much more than the standard 999 at the mo...if I had the dosh I would go for the 'R'....having said that i'm pretty happy with my S for the moment....a 999R is the only Ducati i'm currently aspiring to own...its the prettiest by far IMO:D
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  6. I'd have an R if I wanted something to polish, but I look at my S and think would I really want to spend another 5-8 grand on what is essentially a similar bike? Yes, yes, I'm sure its better and all the rest, but would I really be that far behind you with a set of BSTs and a wheelbarrow with the change?

    Aaaaaand, sorry to keep repeating myself, they don't do the R in black, which is much morer beautifuller....[​IMG]
  7. 021.JPG

    Actually, that picture still isn't as good as mine.....

    But I'm biased...
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  8. black is the new red,,, but i prefer the matt carbon look ,, (i guess a proper wrap on a built up bike would be a bit difficult )
  9. I've white carbon heel guards on the rear sets, I wondered why that never took off on the white panigales...
  10. My black R.....

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  11. You half-opened the door, so I thought I'd kick it open.
    Of course black is the new red. It looked much classier and more interesting in black.

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  12. CIMG1048.JPG

    Glid, I can't agree, rim tape?
    #92 Denzil the Ducati, Dec 16, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
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  13. Needs termis and a tail tidy glidd...
    Kidding of course.

    Like the Pannis in black too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Wait till you see what my puppy ends up like.........
    IMAG0988.jpg IMAG0975.jpg
  15. Red is a bit " racier " but the black is class :grinning:
    puppy !!! Hope it doesn't turn into a dog !! ( only jkn ). Looking good so far , is that painted frame / swing arm or powdered
  16. Well. You can have a little too much black. So I subtly brought it out with little blue levers on the Pazzos and some blue rim tape to give a sort of Stones Black and Blue vibe.
    There is a good thing about rim tape. If you don't like it, it takes about 30 seconds to rip off. But I do like it. I know it's a bit of a faux pas, but I think it looks quite cool in the right circs. And of course, my bike is the right circs.
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  17. Powered coat SA
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  18. Of course, in an ideal world, it would have Termis. But:
    • if I had them, I'd have to take them off for the Swiss MOT (every 2 or 3 years and very strict).
    • They wouldn't look much better than the standard zorsts, which in black look pretty cool
    • I'd annoy all my neighbours when I set off early. I live in a village of about 200 people.
    • They'd cost lost of ££££
    • I don't really need any more power (to be honest)
    A tail tidy would be nice. But I just don't have the cash...
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  19. About the rim tape.........
  20. Enough of the rim tape already! ( assume Jewish accent)
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