There is a world of difference between being patriotic and being nationalistic. Nationalism only ever ends up with wars and killing.
why should any body be driven by pride of the dirt they stand on? its the values and image you portray that should drive your pride in your nation. your media hasn't been portraying a good image, of you to us and us to you, and all to often, it gets backed up. Baaaa. jv, talking of vote share, you need to look at our PR system. still better than first past the post, but, in what can look like a binary choice (national or unionist) stanch orange labour voters will put tory in there second vote. purely as an act of feck knows what. which gives a false impression of tory support. but it is what it is. there is no tory revival. and she is still polling less than magie's worst. but, about 30% off yes voted brexit. so who knows.
Patriotism is being proud of your image and values (?). Nationalism is someone else being proud of theirs. Dress it up how you like. That's how it is. Believing your image and values (?) are superior and more virtuous than other people's is moral imperialism. And to paraphrase CS Lewis, is you can't articulate in clear and succinct language what you consider your image and values (?) to be, it means you don't really understand them yourself. You are just expatiating on some incoherent frustration or resentment. I believe the term is blather.
screw jc lewis. :Hilarious:. your scribbilings dont come close. as yer man wil self says, enough of the projection please. take a look in the mirror.
Will Self? You've got to be joking.. No projection from me. I don't kid myself I have some magic insight into the inner motives of people I don't know who post on internet forums. What would be the point? I don't tell people what they really think or re-interpret what they have said to maker it fit the preconceptions my political prejudices have led me to form of them. I do sometimes ask people to be specific and clear on what precisely their point is and to express it in clear language, but rarely to any effect, unfortunately. To be honest I don't really know what you're saying a lot of the time. Not a dig at your punctuation and spelling - I can see round that. Its what lies beneath that often defeats me. After hundreds and hundreds of posts, all I've really gleaned is that you're very unsatisfied with quite a lot of things, you hate Tories and believe that revolution is coming in some vague and unspecified way, which I think is unlikely. Clarity and specifics, that's all I ask, not conspiratorial suggestion. Still, at least you haven't got a sticking comma key. But really, don't take lessons on, well, anything from Will Self. He swallowed a dictionary at university when he was on heroin and has been incapable of straightforward communication ever since.
Nope. Patriotism is fundamental to liberty because pride in one’s nation-state, and a willingness to defend it if necessary, is the basis of national independence. Patriotism is the courage of national self-determination. By contrast, nationalism is patriotism transformed into a sentiment of superiority and aggression toward other countries. Nationalism is the poisonous idea that one’s country is superior to somebody else’s. Nationalism is intrinsically a cause of war and imperialism.
not knowing what i is saying half the time could be a symptom of what is wrong with the uk at the mo and probably has been for a v.long time. but you obviously understand enough to keep jumping in out of the blue to strut yer stuff. to busy looking inward and denigrating others to see and understand the diversity in this UK, i see lot of snobbery and elitism in yer stuff. maybe time you tried some hemingway. "they is we", sure thats one of his. could be wrong. what i can draw some inner belief that i aint what some on here like to portray from the easy 30 odd people a week from all over the uk and beyond every week will leave here after a chat and a giggle that nationalism dont run strong on me.
My god, just the thought of a 'duke' fact checker. The computer hasn't been invented that could cope with the job. Maybe this one. :Hilarious:
Not knowing what you are saying half the time is a symptom of how you express yourself, no weak-mindedness on the part of your readers. For example I've no idea what you last sentence means. You may well see snobbery and elitism in what I post, doesn't mean you're right though. Its just what you choose to see. You don't know anything about me, you're only guessing. I don't denigrate anyone. I disagree with them but that isn't the same thing. Nor am I inward-looking. Quite the reverse. And I have read Hemmingway but I'm afraid I think he's crap. Well, didn't do it for me at least. Put it that way. I prefer Cormac McCarthy.
teehee. :Hilarious: got that michal jackson song going through ma heed i'm looking at the man in the mirror. life's to short dude
I have to agree with Gimlet on not understanding your last sentence, I've read and read it again to no avail. 2 easy I find does the same but with more effect, which is why I skip a lot of what he posts. But reading through all this reminds me of the game of getting the last word in, me and my brother would do this to the frustration of our parents, but then we were only children. Carry on!
This is my point, there can and should be more to a political party than simply nationalist / unionist and the SNP is a broad coalition of people from across the political spectrum who's common thread is a desire for independence. I certainly don't expect a Conservative revival any time soon. The only reason I raised the vote numbers was that @2 easy suggested no one in Scotland votes Conservative and that is far from the case in reality.
At least we can agree Will Self is an annoying lefty. I would go further and say he is the stereotypical self loathing (pardon the pun) lefty.
yip. i said it only last week about yer man. ( a wee note to the injured, you are gonna need a better memory before you start to play the innocent victim :Finger i have seen quite a few articles from prominent English lefties, over the last several years. all in a similar vain,(i think its only slab that are in denial) i see it confirmed regularly on ere, its all gone a bit right wing for. me. i don't think i have ever been in the company of so much bollox in all me life,:Hilarious::smileys: the kind of bollox i enjoy combating. . but i is trying to run a business here to. note to self (not wil self, my self) stop getting sucked in. :Hilarious::smileys: