Let's compare, factory bike when I bought it...nice for about 3 months then it got boring because it looked like everyone else's... This year before my accident... Hmmm...I rest my case! The bike will be essentially the same as the latter but all of the body work is Carbon Fibre underneath the paint with an extra added colour, to be continued...
You are in fact correct. It is different from "everyone else's". Doesn't mean it's tasteful though. Just different.
I like the slash cut cans and the gold wheels. The rest of the gold adornments are a bit too much for me. There are some nice bits on it, but they would look better in black. Also you could know when to stop as there are some unnecessary additions. But hey, it's your bike, so go with what makes you happy. I'll watch with interest.
It was unfair of me to point the finger at the gold anodising. It's definetly the red anodising that I should of been mocking. Why not get some bits in a nice black or silver.
:Banghead: have you been drinking,, or is that the best your puerile mind can come up with,,, tbh,, are you proud of that kind of a post ??